JACOB GEREND,                              ghttlhoe,
SHEBOYGAN CITY DIRECTORY                    107
Holling Louise Miss, res. 1602 Illinois ave.
4Hollingsworth W. G., dentist, 516 N. 8th, 2nd floor, res. 1708 N. 6th.
'*Holm Jacob, o, lab., res. 1833 Indiana ave.
Holm Milly Miss, res. 1833 Indiana ave.
*Holman Aaron, o, grocery and dry goods, 2118 N. 15th, res. same.
Holman Gustav, res. 1925 N. 8th.
Holman H. J., mfrs. of overalls, jackets, etc., 1716 Calumet road,
res. same.
Iolman Harry (Holman Mfg. Co.), res. 2118 N. 15th.
Holman Jake, traveler, res. 1925 N. 8th.
Holman Jenny Miss, res. 2128 N. 15th.
Holman Joe, lab., res. 2128 N. 15th.
Holman Mfg. Co., mfr. of overalls and jackets, 1601 N. 8th.
*Holman N., r, second hand store, 936 Michigan ave.
4Holman Nosson, o, grocery, res. 1925 N. 8th.
Holman Sam, lab., res. 2128 N. 15th.
Holman Willie, res. 1925 N. 8th.
*Holmes 0. D., r, res. 706 N. 5th, 2nd floor.
*Holtz Albert, o, lab., res. 1211 Clara ave.
'H-oltz August, r, policeman, res. 1402 Superior ave., 2nd floor.
Holtz Bertha Miss, dom., res. 526 St. Clair ave.
Holtz George, lab., res. 1211 Clara ave.
Holtz Hattie Miss, res. 1211 Clara ave.
*Holtz Paul, lab., res. 924 Georgia ave.
*Holtz Wm., o, lab., res. 924 Georgia ave.
*Holtz Win., o, lab., res. 1611 N. 5th.
Holtz Win., lab., res. 1211 Clara ave.
*Holz Andrew, o, lab., res. 1511 Kentucky ave.
Holy Name Church, cath., Rev. Dominic Thill, rector, between N.
8th and 9th and Superior and Huron ayes.
Holy Name School, n. w. cor. N. 8th and Superior ave.
Home Laundry, 617 N. 8th.
Home of. the Friendless, A. A. Hoehne, supt., 722 Pennsylvania ave.
Honlihan Mary (prop. Armstrong's Restaurant), res. same.
HONOLD BROS. (Chas. and Gust. Honold), plumbers, tinners and
steam fitters, 420 N. 8th.
*Honold Chas. A. (Honold Bros.), res. 1524 N. 7th.
Honold G. F. (Honold Bros.), res. 434 Center ave.
*Honold Paul, retired, res 1524 N. 7th.
*Honold Paulina (wid. Henry), o, res. 420 Superior ave.
Hook & Ladder Station, Henry Traute, capt., s. e. cor. New York ave.
and N. 9th.
4Hoogstra Martin, r, lab., res. 516 Bell ave.
Hope Reformed Church, holland, cor. Ontario and N. 10th.
Hopkins Mary Cellestla Miss, music teacher, 618 N. 8th, 2nd floor,
res. 617 New York ave.
Hoppe Archibald, lab., res. 1319 N. 1.7th.
*Hoppe D. G., o, lab., res. 1319 N. 17th.
Hoppe Emma Miss, res. 932 New York ave.
Hoppe Fred, traveling salesman, res. 817 Virginia ave.
Proper Advertising in the "Sheboygan Amerika," daily, "Sheboygan
Zeitung" semi-weekly, is always profitable, Rates reasonable. Phone 252