Farmers &, Merchants Banok        interest paid ont s
B - 3%Accontsof DIRETORY
wi 1R  and corporations solicited.

*Lutze Anna, o, (wid. Ernst), res. 811 S. 15th.
Lutze Annie Miss, clk., res. 1434 Jersey ave.
Liitze Aug. (Ernst Lutze Sons Co.), insurance agt., 811 S. 15th, r
*Lutze Chas., o, carpenter contr., 1434 New Jersey ave., res. same.
Lntze Charles, teacher, res. 811 S. 15th.
Lutme Ernst A., bookkpr., res. 811 S. 15th.
Lutze Ernst Sons Co., Insurance agts., 811 S. 11th.
Lutze Emma Miss, res. 1434 New Jersey ave.
Lutze Marie Miss, res. 811 S. 15th.
Lutze Minnie Miss, bookkpr., res. 1434 New Jersey ave.
Lyke John B., dentist, 630 N. 8th, res. 717 N. 7th.
Lynch Katie Mrs., dom., res. 824 Pennsylvania ave.
Lynch Thomas, r, real estate and insurance agt., 619 N. 8th, 2
Lyons Mary (wid. Win.), res. 1007 Georgia ave.
MAAS AUG. L., bartender, 1036 Michigan ave.
Maas Bert, stringer, brds. 1003 High ave.
*Maas Chas., o, lab., res. 1553 S. 11th.
Maas Fred, r, lab., res. 1717 Alabama ave.
Maas Fred, o, lab., res. R. R. 1, Mill road, n. of city limits.
*Maas Fred, o, lab., res. 1112 Broadway ave.
*Maas Gust., o, lab., res. 1022 Clara ave.
Maas Hattie Miss, res. 2236 N. 8th.
Maas Helmuth, r, enameler, res. 1203 Michigan ave.
Maas Henry, mgr. Sheboygan Coffee Co., brds. 915 N. 8th.
*MIaas Henry, o, lab., res. R. 1, Mill road,n. of city limits.
Maas John, r, moulder, res. 2004 N. 12th.
Maas Laura Miss, dressmkr., res. 1203 Michigan ave.
Maas Mary Miss, res. 1631 Spruce Court.
Maas Maud Miss, brds. 1021 Swift ave.
kMaas Otto, o, carver, res. 1734 N. 11th.
*MIaas Peter, o, lab., res. 1128 S. 10th.
Maas Robert, stage mgr., res. 1203 Michigan ave.
*Maas Robert, o, lab., res. 2236 N. 8th.
Maas Tony Miss, res. R. 1, Mill road, n. of city limits.
*Maas Win., o, teamster, res. 1631 Spruce Court.
'Machut Otto, o, boilermkr., res. 1641 S. 11th.
Mackovic Mijo, lab., brds. 432 N. Water.
Macok Ivan, lab., brds. 908 Indiana ave.
*Madden Geo., r, res. 512 Ontario ave.
*Madden Thomas, r, teamster, res. 336 Pennsylvania ave.
Madden Wim., lab., brds. 1035 St. Clair ave.
Madson Jenks, lab., res. 919 Clara ave., rear.
*Madson Martin, o, sailor, res. 1130 S. 10th.

IN THE CITY of any paper published in the County. - TELEPHONE 252

