Rest of Work. KIOLERIS BIG LAUNDR       Shirts to
  Telephone 24.             HAT                 Measure.


Lutzen Con. Sr., 33, Sherman, Ran-
  dom Lake (80).
Luth J. F., 7, Plymouth (113r).
Lynch Hugh, 24, Mitchell,Cascade (80).
Lynch John, 24, Mitchell, Cascade.
Lynch Patrick, 24, Mitchell, Cascade.
Lyman A, P., 22, Sheboygan (26).
Lynn Maggie Miss, 17,Sherman,Adell.
Lynn Thompson, 17, Sherman, Adell
Lyons Thomas, 7, Holland,Hoard (120).
Lyons Win., 18, Holland, Hoard (60).

M    cARTHUR    Clarence, 14, Ply-
      mouth (40r).
McBride Annie Miss, 32, Mitchell,
McBride Con., 35, Mitchell, Cascade.
McBride E. Mrs., 32, Mitchell, Beech-
McBride Michael, 32, Mitchell, Beech-
  wood (120).
McBride Nora Miss, 32,Mitchell,Beech-
McBride 0., 5, Scott, Beechwood (120).
McBride Ph. Mrs., 4, Scott, Beech-
  wood (40).
McBride Th. Mrs., Beechwood.
McCaffary J., 18, Holland, Hoard.
McCaffary'William, 20, Holland,Hoard.
McCann John, mail carrier, Cascade.
McClellan U.,3,Wilson,Sheboygan (80).
McConkey S.,4,Holland, Hingham (80).
McDonald Edward Mrs.,35, Plymouth.
McDonald Win., 11, Russell, Elkhart.
McDonnell Andrew, 4, Scott, Beech-
  wood (110).
McDougald Belle Miss, 6, Sherman,
McDougald H., 16, Sherman, Cascade
McElroy C. Mrs., 16, Sherman, Adell
McElroy Dan., 16, Sherman, Adell.
McElroy John, 16, Sherman, Adell.
McElroy John, 24, Sherman, Random
McElroy Mich., ret. farmer, Random
McElroy Sarah Miss, 16, Sherman,
McFarland John, 35, Lyndon. Cascade

McGarvey Jas., 32, Mitchell, Beech-
  wood (200).
McGee Peter Miss,5,Holland,Hingham.
McGee Thos., 5,Holland,Hingham (80).
McGee Win., 5, Holland, Hingham.
McGlachlin D., auctioneer, 28, Sheb.
  Falls (40).
McGrain Annie Miss, 18,Mitchell,Par-
McGrain John, 18, Mitchell, Parnell.
McGrain Peter, 18, Mitchell, Parnell
McGrane George, 21, Mitchell, Par-
  nell (80r).
McGrane Thos., 18, Mitchell, Parnell.
McGraw Jane Miss, 22, Rhine,Elkhart.
McGraw Kate Miss, 22, Rhine, Elk-
McGraw Mrs., 22, Rhine, Elkhart (40).
McGraw Thomas, 22, Rhine, Elkhart.
McIntyre David, 21, Lyndon, Cascade
McIntyre Eugene,grain dlr.,Waldo(29).
McKane B., 16, Holland, Ioard (80).
McKee John, 34, Scott,Boltonville(89r).
McKellep J. H,, 31, Rhine, Glenbeu-
  lah (80).
McKellup Ellen, 28, Greenbush, Glen-
McKillip Frank, 30, Sheboygan, She-
  boygan Falls (144).
McKinnon M., cheese mfr., 28, Sheb.
  Falls (2).
McLaughlin D., Cascade (15).
McLaughlin E. Mrs., 13, Mitchell, Cas-
  cade (80).
McLaughlin J., 5, Sherman, Cascade,
McLaughlin J., 30, Lyndon, Cascade.
McLaughlin John, 13, Mitchell, Cas-
McLaughlin Win., 13, Mitchell, Cas-
McMullen A., 4,Holland,Hingham (80).
McMullen J. A., 4, Holland, Hingham.
McMullen Julia Miss, 4,Holland, Hing-
McMullen Maggie Miss, 4, Holland,
McMullen Nellie Miss, 4, Holland,
  H ingham.
McMurphy H. W., 16, Lyndon, Waldo

For Good Work, Warranted WIT1  F. 6UI    - 08Nessor to C.t.albaeh,
    N.Bot to Fade, go to   a     U    606-08 N. Eighth St.