0t. ship ticket sold to all
Farmers &       Merchants Bank,             of' the world.
SHEBOYGAN CITY DIRECTORY                   131
Konjusic John, lab., brds. 919 Wisconsin ave.
*Konjusic Jos., brds. 921 Center ave.
*Konjusic Mike, r, lab., res. 919 Wisconsin ave.
Konjusic Misko, lab., brds. 919 Wisconsin ave.
'Konrad Geo., o, lab., res. 1541 Alexander Court.
Konsak Frank, lab., bordinghouse, res. 516 N. Water.
*Kopezk Frank, lab., res. 603 Huron ave.
*Kopp George, o, retired, res. 2608 N. 8th.
Kopplinger Frank, machinist, res. 1213 N. 11th.
*Kopplinger Joseph, o, carpenter, res. 1213 N. l1th.
Koracin Jos., lab., brds. 1019 Wisconsin ave.
Korb Alma Miss, res. 1831 Martin ave.
*Korb Fred, r, lab., res. 1548 Alexander Court.
Korb Gustav, lab., res. 831 Martin ave.
"Korb Win., o, lab., res. 1831 Martin ave.
Korenjlk Frank, lab.,, brds. 1114 Jefferson ave.
Korman Arno, lab., res. 1319 N. 12th.
'Korman Henry, o, foreman, res. 1319 N. 12th.
Kornek John, lab., brds. 1014 S. Water.
'Kornetze Charles, r, conductor, res. 1312 S. 12th.
Koroschlitz Frank, lab., res. 602 Illinois ave.
'Korte John, r, lab., res. 1228 Erie ave.
*Kortenhorn Herman, o, lab., res. 116 Lighthouse Court.
*Korthals Albert, o, clk. H. C. Prange Co., res. 1607 N. 13th.
*Korthals Carl, r, tailor, res. 918 Michigan ave., rear.
Korthals Carl Jr., lab. and musician, res. 918 Mich. ave., rear.
Kordick Andrew, lab., res. 1117 Superior ave.
Kordick Emma Miss, res. 1117 Superior ave.
*Kordick Frank, o, lab., res. 1117 Superior ave.
Kordick Francisco, clk., res. 1117 Superior ave.
Kordick George, lab., res. 1117 Superior ave.
*Korner Chas., r, carpenter contr., res. 1530 Superior ave.
Korner Fannie, student, res. 1530 Superior ave.
Kos Anton, lab., brds. 214 N. Water.
Kos Frank, lab., brds. 1111 Pennsylvania ave.
Kos John, lab., brds. 1111 Pennsylvania ave.
Kosak Jos., lab., brds. 102 N. 8th.
Kosar Martin, lab., brds. 513 S. 14th, rear.
Koshabusky Aug., baggage man, res. 1118 Indiana ave.
*Koshabusky Jqe, o, lab., res. 1118 S. 8th.
*Koshabusky Joe Jr., lab., res. 1118 S. 8th.
Koshabusky Mark, lab., res. 1118 S. 8th.
Koshabusky Theo, sallor, res. 1118 S. 8th.
*Koslofski John, r, lab., res. 1722 Superior ave.
*Kosob Christ, o, lab., res. 1120 Georgia ave.
*Kossmann John, r, lab., res. 1623 Indiana ave., rear.
Kossmann Richard, lab., res. 1623 Indiana ave.
Kostanjevz Jos., lab., brds. 432 N. Water.
Kostenjak Janko, lab., brds. 908 Indiana ave.
Kostenjak Mato, lab., brds. 908 Indiana ave.
IN THE CITY of any paper published in the County. - TELEPHONE 252