Stores for Sale, Trade or Ret. 080N.        S      r.
     TAL                  258                TEU
 Tallmadge William E., mgr. Excelsior Wrapper Co., res.
   1028 N. 6th. N. tel. 42.
 Talorowski Jos., lab., res. 1112 High ave.
 Tank August, lab., res. 914 Georgia ave.
 Tank Frank, lab., res. 914 Georgia ave.
 Tarnutzer A. D., teacher high school, res. 612 Erie ave.
 Taubenheim Charles, lab., res. 927 Niagara ave., rear.
 Taubenheim William, lab., res. 927 Niagara ave., rear.
 Tauscheck George, lab., res. 1515 S. 12th.
 Tax Lena Miss, res. Grand Hotel.
 TeGantvoort George, cheesemkr., res. 1101 Indiana ave.
 TeGantvoort Louise Miss, res. 1101 Indiana ave.
 TeGantvoort Rose Miss, res. 1101 Indiana ave.
 TeGantvoort Rose (wid. Jacob), res. 1101 Indiana ave.
 Telegram Printing Co. (Win. H. Burk and Win. Bornefeld),
 pubs. Sheboygan Telegram, 801 N. 8th, composing room,
 N. tel. 190-2, editorial room, 190-3.
 Telgener Fred. (Schlicht & Telgener), res. 616 Center ave.
 Tellefsen Christoph, lab., res. 1224 Superior ave.
 Tellen Adam, lab., res. 936 Dillingham ave.
 Tellen James, res. 936 Dillingham ave.
 Tellen John, lab., res. 936 Dillingham ave.
 Tellier Maria, dom., 411 Michigan ave.
 Tempas John, hostler Geo. H. Rietow, res. 816 N. 8th.
 Templin Christian, shoemkr., res. 1536 Kentucky ave.
 TenPas Garret H., lab., res. 1813 S. 9th.
 Tenhaken William, lab., res. 1114 S. 9th.
 Terbaste Minnie, dom., 611 Pennsylvania ave.
 Terhardt Herman, lab., res. 719 Erie ave.
 Tershiner Ignatz, boarding house, 225 N. 8th.
 Teschner Robert, res. 1820 N. 8th, rear.
 Tesseler John, res. cor. Grand ave. and S. 18th.
 Tessin Chas., lab., res. 1420 N. 12th.
 Tessin Herman, lab., res. 1636 S. 14th.
 Testwuide Conrad, student, res. 521 Center ave.
 Testwuide Emma Miss, res. 521 Center ave.
 Testwuide Louis, res. 521 Center ave.
 Teumer Edmund, lab., res. n. end N. 12th, near city limits.
 Teumer Frank (Frank Teumer & Son), res. n. end N. 12th,
 near city limits.

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