Friend, The, 158n
Frost at Midnight, 272
Letters, 97n.
Lewti, 225
Lines to a Young Ass, 148, 229
Life of Lessing, 203
Lyrical Ballads, see Wordsworth
Monody on the Death of Chatter-
ton, 229
Moral andPolitical Lecture, 108n.
Ode on the Departing Year, 229
and n., 272
On the Present War, 158
Plot Discovered, The, 158
Poems on Various Subjects
(1796), 108n, 228, 229n., 272,
274-275, 283
Poetical and Dramatic Works,
137n. et passim
Provincial Magazine, The, 157
Poems, Second Edition (1797),
108n., 187, 193, 229, 230n.,
275, 283, 293n.
Religious Musings, 108n.
Rime of the Ancient Mariner,
The, 221, 224, 273, 278, 281
Sonnets in the Manner of Con-
temporary Writers, 192-193
Sonnets on Eminent Characters,
This Lime-tree Bower, 225
Wallenstein, 282
Watchman, The, 193
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, by

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor:
Meets Southey and plans pan-
tisocracy, 127-132; in Bristol
with Southey and Sarah
Fricker, 133-138; plans pan-
tisocracy in London and
Cambridge, 139-150; fetched
from London by Southey,
150-151; living in Bristol
with   Southey,   152-160;
quarrel with Southey and
break-up of pantisocracy,
7, 22, 53, 61, 62, 74, 97, 108,
114, 115 and n., 122, 123,
180, 181, 186, 187, 188, 190-
191, 192-193, 196, 198, 200,
201, 202, 203, 205-208, 225,
227-232, 233, 263, 268-275,
278-296, 298-300, 308, 309,
310, 311
Biographia Epistolaris, 7n.
Biographia Literaria, 74n.
Christabel, 202, 221, 225
Conciones ad Populum, 158
Devil's Walk, The, 199
Dungeon, The, 279
Effusions, 275
Essays on His Own Times,
123n. et passim
Fall of Robespierre, The, see
Fears in Solitude, 229, 230n., 272
Fire, Famine, and Slaughter, 225,
229, 230
Foster-mother's Tale, The, 279
France - an Ode, 272, 275