The kitchen was about 40 x 40; the breakfast room across from
it had green benches and seated about 30 people. The table was
about 20 feet long and 3 feet wide.
The view is most glorious from this "Eagle's Nest." I looked
out on the gorgeous vista of the Konig See, the village of
Berchtesgaden, and also the ruins of Hitler's home.
We again descended in the brass elevator through the shaft cut
from solid granite, walking through the long tunnel. At the en-
trance was a sign "ERBAUT 1938," engraved on an oval shield.
We then visited the Diesel engine rooms-used for heating and
air conditioning the Nest. After another look at the beautiful view
from the mountaintop, we proceeded down the mountainside in
our jeep, which is about the only motor car that can make the
steep climb.
The circular road winding about the mountaintop had recently
been covered with camouflage nets to obliterate sight of the road
from the air. Descending about 3,000 feet, we visited Hitler's
home at Obersalzburg, on the side of the mountain.
Everywhere we saw men and women carrying away evergreen
trees and branches injured by bombing. They were laying in their
winter's supply of wood.
Another Hitler Abode
Hitler's home at Obersalzburg, built of steel and concrete, was
a wreck. The interior walls of the entire house were of brown
marble. We saw a large living-room 80 x 50 feet. A big window
-30 x 18 feet at the end of this room afforded a magnificent
view of the sheer mountainside, and of the peaceful valley below.
Opposite the large picture-window a huge fireplace opened. The
heating pipes-imbedded in the concrete under the floor with
modern vents at convenient places-obviated any necessity for
radiators. Imbedded in the floor at one end of the living-room was
a mechanical motion-picture screen. At the other end of the room
was an aperture for motion-picture machinery.