ing any modification their views 'Comm's truce proposals and fol
reply from GOP Comm shld consider replies bothparties. Approach
outlined Point d Delhi's 688 not believed to be proper approach and
cld be interpreted GOP as unequal treatment by Comm.
   In event Comm feels replies both parties unacceptable Dept believes
 US Rep shld propose UNCIP adopt resolution calling upon parties
 acceptance arbitration truce. Dept views re arbitral approach fol sepa-
 rate communication.
   Re (2) above Dept objections directed principally at fol points:
   (a) Disbandment Azad forces contemplated plebiscite period
 rather than under Part 2 Aug 13 resolution. If GOI wishes advance
 disbandment Azad forces to truce period it shld agree likewise ad-
 vance final disposal Indian and state armed forces as originally pro-
 vided Para 4a Jan 5 resolution.
   (b) Dept believes decision stationing GOI forces northern areas
 cannot be left in hands GOI and maximum concessions to GOI this
 respect contained in UNCIP proposals 28 Apr.
 . (c) Dept cannot agree that in framework peaceful settlement
 Kashmir dispute withdrawal Indian forces constitutes "military
 secret." Dept believes GOP shld be given full disclosure GOI
   Rptd to Karachi and London.

501.BC Kashmir/6-2549: Telegram
         The Secretary of State to the.Embassy in India'
SECRET                         WASHINGTON, June 25, 1949-2 p. m.
  449. Kascom. Dept convinced shld UNCIP negots presently con-
templated fail arbitration of truce shld be pressed on parties by
UNCIP as most practicable solution impasse. Dept strongly believes
UNCIP shld propose this solution rather than permit case return SC
and is prepared give vigorous diplomatic support UNCIP this pro-
posal. Dept understands UK of similar view and informed Attlee
prepared urge such solution personally on Nehru. Support other like-
minded- Govts including those represented on UNCIP wld of course
be helpful.
  Dept has explored fully with Nimitz informal basis possibility his
acting as truce arbitrator. Nimitz does not wish arbitrate this issue
believing in so doing he might prejudice his position as PA. However,
he wld reluctantly agree accept job shld both parties select him. Dept

Repeated to Karachi as 198 and London as 2199.