867N.01/12-2249: Telegram
   The Charge' in the United Kingdoim (Hobnes) to the Secretary
                             of State

SECRET                         LONDON, December 22, 1949-6 p. m.
  5079. Embtel 5062 December 20.' Furlonge, Eastern Department
FonOff, said today that UK study of extension UK-Jordan treaty
to Arab Palestine was occasioned by recent Israeli inquiry whether
treaty would automatically apply to'any territory which Jordan might
gain as result peace negotiations. Israelis intimated they would be
less happy about reaching agreement if treaty were extended such
  Last evening FonOff instructed :British Minister Tel Aviv to in-
form Israeli Government that question extension to any area acquired
by Jordan is matter which concerns only UK and Jordan. He. was
instructed add, however, that UK has no intention establishing any
bases in territory so acquired in time of peace, but that what UK
might do in case'of war or threat of war was another question which
UK could not express its intention at present time.
  British Minister Amman was instructed inform Jordan Govern-
ment of foregoing message, but to add for Jordan's own confidential
information that it is firm intention of UK to apply treaty to any
areas acquired by Jordan as soon as they have been incorporated
within their state.
  Asked if foregoing applied to any corridor which Jordan might
acquire, Furlonge replied affirmatively.
  When we recalled that he had told us December 19 that FonOff
studying certain points on which it contemplated Jordan might ask
its advice, Furlonge replied treaty was principal item. He reiterated
it is desire UK to maintain hands off attitude toward Jordan-Israeli
talks. However FonOff has also given Kirkbride some comments
"mostly of technical nature" on question of corridor for his-guidance
in case he is-asked by Jordan. Asked if establishment of corridor would
pose any particular problems for UK, Furlonge replied in negative
but stated FonfOff did not think corridors were ever completely:satis-
factory arrangements.
  Sent Department 5079; repeated Tel Aviv 84, Baghdad 118, Cairo
159, Jidda 66, Beirut 46, Damascus 77.
  Not printed.