and suppnLes for the operation and maintenance of the airfield and
for the personal use of its military personnel. It is understood that
the United States Government will submit to the Saudi Arabian Gov-
ernment the official bills of lading and manifests on the equipment,
items and supplies imported for the operation and maintenance of
the airfield.
  14. The United States Government is granted the privilege of re-
ceiving and sending its military mail to and from Dhahran Airfield
exempt from customs, taxes, or any other restriction.
  15. The United States Government is authorized facilities for the
recreation and well being of its military personnel at Dhahran Air-
field on condition that such facilities should not violate the customs
and laws in effect in Saudi Arabia.
  16. The United States Government is authorized to engage in appro-
priate activities for the training of its personnel in military and tech-
nical proficiency.
  17. The United States Government may withdraw, upon the expira-
tion of this agreement, all equipment and supplies which it has
brought to Dhahran Airfield for its operation and maintenance. It is
agreed that the United States Government will not withdraw equip-
ment which has been installed and has become the property of the
Saudi Arabian Government. If the United States Government re-
places any semi-fixed installations or equipment which have become
the property of the Saudi Arabian Government, the replacements
will then become the property of the Saudi Arabian Government and
the replaced items will become the property of the United States
  18. All United States military personnel, civilian employees and
dependents are bound to obey all applicable laws and regulations of
the Saudi Arabian Government. Offenses which may be committed
by military members of the United States military forces at Dhahran
Airfield will be subject to United States military law. In the cases of
offenses committed outside the Airfield, the Saudi Arabian authorities
will arrest the offenders and deliver them to the American authorities
at the Airfield for their repatriation and punishment. The United
States Government will set up a claims commission to consider all
claims for compensation for injuries presented against military per-
sonmel and civilian employees acting in their official capacities by
residents of Saudi Arabia.
  19. Personnel of the United States Government, both military and
civilian, will be in the possession of valid identification papers or pass-
ports upon* arrival at Dhahran Airfield. In lieu of Saudi Arabian
visas, however, if such are not available at the point of departure,
the Saudi Arabian Government will honor competent United States
Government travel orders.
  20. In consideration of the rights and privileges granted by the
Saudi Arabian Government to the United States Government in this
lease, the United States Government agrees to provide to the Saudi
Arabian Government the services as enumerated in articles 21, 22, 23,
24,25, and 26.
  21. The United States will offer training in the maintenance and
operation of the Airfield to a maximum at one time of one hundred
Saudi Arabian students selected by the Saudi Arabian Government.