Dept also approves suggestion providing compulsory arbitration
controversies re fulfillment by states concerned of obligations under-
taken re Jerusalem area. We consider that tribunal should be given
jurisdiction such controversies on motion UN Administrator or au-
thorities either zone. Our position at this stage should be that decisions.
should be legally binding. ee . a

_ Dept understanding that UN would bear expenses of UN Adminis-
trator, his staff, guards for Holy Places, international tribunal, and
other expenses appropriately chargeable. Authorities governing local
zones would bear local costs, and costs their participation in mixed
bodies. | |


501.BB Palestine/5-349 : Telegram : |
_ The Minister in Switzerland (Vincent) to the Secretary of State

SECRET Barn, May 3, 1949—11 a. m.

661. Palun 189. During past week PC met separately with Syrian
delegation and Transjordan delegation headed by Fawzi Pasha Mulki.
Both indicated desire to cooperate for Near East peace. Commission-
ers, advisers, and Azcarate also had numerous separate discussions
with individual members of Israeli and Arab delegates. PCC’s under-
lying impression is Israel and Arab states are sincerely desirous of
making peace arrangements soonest but. are maneuvering for position.
_ Israeli delegation is seriously concerned re question of Israeli ad-
mission to UN. It fears extensive UN debate may delay and even pre-
vent Israeli admission at this GA session. It continues to suggest PCC
recommend GA not debate such matters as refugees and Jerusalem in
view Israeli and Arab talks with PCC at Lausanne. PCC has, how-
ever, maintained position stated in Palun 136.1 Israeli delegation is
also communicating with Tel Aviv re possible conciliatory statement.
on refugees. Partial drafts thus far seen are evasive. US delegation
hopes satisfactory statement will result but fears Ben-Gurion’s strong
views will prevent. Israeli delegation has given no indication of work-
ing with PCC’s committee on Jerusalem re plans for internationaliza-
tion of Jerusalem area. SO | o

Arab delegations are keenly aware of their present tactical position.
Arab delegations are not yet ready to meet with Israeli delegation for
this reason and because of general reluctance to move quickly. It seems
unlikely Arab delegations will engage in substantive discussion with

* Also identified as telegram PCC 1, April 28, from Lausanne, p. 955. _