completion of pilot demonstration projects approved by theAdvisory
Commission, upon application made by the Middle Eastern .Govern-
ment concerned.
  8. Preparation by the Governments of the Middle Eastern countries
concerned, in consultation. with the Advisory Commission of the
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees and
in connection with the functions of that body as laid down in para-
graph 7 (b) of the resolution of the General Assembly of 8 December
1949, of plans and recommendations for the further development of the
economic and natural resources of the Middle East, with particular
reference to those involving economic arrangements between two or
more of the countries concerned.

  This approach to the economic development of the Middle East and
the policies and actions set forth herein are recommended for the
early and careful consideration of the United Nations and the Govern-
ments whose active implementation of this approach will bring the
Middle East into a hopeful and significant era of economic, social and
political advance." (pages 12-13)

867N.002/12-1849: Telegram
    The Consul at Jerusalei* (13Burdett) to the Secretary of State
                                    JERUSALEm, December 18, 1949.
  695. Today's Post reports regular weekly Cabinet meeting will be
held first time in Jerusalem December 20. Also reports repairs being
completed on building for Ministries of Trade and Industry, Agri-
culture, Health, Police while Ministry of Foreign Affairs will not
move for some time and Defense to remain in Tel Aviv. Claim some
thousand accommodations being readied for government workers in

501.BB Palestine/12-2049
     Memorandum by the Secretary of State to the President

                                  WASHINGTON, December 20, 1949.
  In the Fourth Session of the General Assembly, just concluded, the
position of the United States in the Jerusalem question was to support
the proposals for an international regime for the Jerusalem area pre-
sented by the United Nations Palestine Conciliation Commission, of
which the United States is a member. The Commission formulated
these proposals in accordance with the instructions given to it by the
General Assembly in 1948, which called for the establishment of a
permanent international regime with maximum local autonomy.