rescinded. Dept assumes Fonoff realizes embargo could not be lifted
for Iraq alone.
   Emb shld point out that speedy conclusion armistice agreements
 as called for by GA Res Dec 11wld hasten final peace settlement.

  J1emorandum by the Director of the Office of Near Eastern and
       African Affairs (Satterthwaite) to the Secretary of State

SECRET                              [WAsHINGTON,] March 17, 1949.
Subject: Israel-Transjordan Situation.
   In response to your request, there are submitted hereunder pertinent
excerpts from information we have received concerning the situation
between Transjordan and Israel subsequent to my memorandum to
you of March 14.'
  Dr. Bunche on March 11 cabled the Security Council that he had
directed United Nations observers to make a thorough and prompt
investigation of all complaints, to verify military positions and their
date of establishment and to apply fully the conditions of the truce.
He added that at the time the cable was sent he had had no reports
from observers which verified that there had been any fighting in the
  On March 13 Dr. Bunche cabled the Security Council that United
Nations observers were in the field and were making on the spot in-
vestigations, but that owing to poor transportation and communica-
tions facilities he did not yet have their detailed reports and could
not therefore submit to the Council a definite report on this matter.
He added that the only incident of fighting thus far reported involved
an exchange of fire between Arab Legion and Israeli elements in the
vicinity of Ghamr -(just over the border in Transjordan) prior to the
signing of the cease-fire on March 11. In this engagement one Arab
Legion armored car was-disabled. Dr. Bunche also stated that he had
formally requested the Israeli and Transjordan delegates at Rhodes
to inform their Governments that military activity of this kind, re-
gardless of whether actual fighting eventuated, must be regarded as
contrary to the conditions of the truce imposed by the Security Council.
  On March 1-6 our Legation in Amman cabled that according to the

  'Not printed;_it summarized reports -alleging or denying' Israeli incursion
into Transjordan (767N.90i/3-1449).