at. present juncture to greatest possible extent affront to Arab sus-
ceptibilities that will arise inevitably from emphasis on Israeli-Arab_
cooperative effort? a SO |
| ee : ee _ » ACHESON


- 2 London, on September 7, conveyed the contents of this telegram to the Foreign»

Office, which stated that it would instruct its Near Eastern Missions to extend
support to the work of the Economic Survey Mission (telegram 3596, September 7,
6 p. m., from London). Two days later London reported further reflection by the
Foreign Office and its decision. to “await Department’s reactions to wider ap-
proach to Israel and Arabs on Palestine settlement, which British Embassy Wash-
ington was instructed on August 30 to discuss with Department, before instructing |
its missions in Near East ‘to extend diplomatic support ESM” (telegram 3642).
The two telegrams from London are filed under 501.BB Palestine (E) /9-749,



501.BB Palestine(E) /9-349 : Telegram. a a |
‘The Secretary of State to the Legation in Lebanon |

SECRET =e _.  ‘Wasrrneton, September 3, 1949—2 p. m.

476. Urtel 450, Aug 81.1 You shld seek early appointment with
- FonMin and clarify Dept’s position re his views along fol lines: — |
Establishment of ESM did not stem from action of USG, as
FonMin implies. On contrary, ESM was activated by PCC as UN
‘organ, under clear authority granted it by para 12 of Dec 11 res, and |
after close consultation with SYG of UN. PCC decision was made
fol discussions with all dels to PCC and submission Aug 15 of written.
questionnaire to all dels at Lausanne, informing them re proposed
functions and objectives of ESM. Written joint reply to question-_
‘naire received by PCC Aug 29 from Arab dels (reftels being rpted
separately for info) clearly indicated approval of ESM’s objectives
and readiness recommend that their respective govts extend full sup-
port and facilities to ESM. Dept assumes Arab dels kept their respec-—
tive govts fully informed these official communications. FonMin will
doubtless appreciate that, since ESM constitutes sub-body of PCC,
Lausanne as seat of commission was logical and convenient place



4Not printed; it reported that the Lebanese Foreign Minister “made it clear
that he has greatest reservation concerning survey’s usefulness and considerable

scepticism as to its true objectives. . .. He stated he believes the real purpose of © |

the mission, although undisclosed, is to provide a means for relieving the in-
creasingly grave economic conditions in Israel; that the timing of the mission
could be no ‘coincidence’. . . .. Furthermore, he could not but regard the survey. .
mission as an instrument designed to force the Arab states into economic coopera-
tion with Israel... Foreign Minister also was disturbed by the timing of this
survey as he could not but conclude that it would mean an end to any further
“aoe for political settlement at Lausanne.” (501.BB ‘Palestine/