If the Govt of Israel continues to reject the basic principles set
 forth by the res of the GA of Dec 11, 1948 and the friendly advice
 offered by the US Govt for the sole purpose of facilitating a genuine
 peace in Palestine, the US Govt will regretfully be forced to the con-
 clusion that a revision of its attitude toward Israel has become

   Please report time of delivery niact in order that Department may
 furnish copy to Elath.2
   2A marginal notation states that this telegram was "cleared with
the White
 House 5/27/49."
   Mr. Satterthwaite, on May 30, handed to the Israeli ChargT6 Uriel Heyd,
text of the United States note to the Israeli Government. The latter made
comment after reading the note. Mr. Satterthwaite "made no comment other
to emphasize the fact that the note had been delivered under the instructions
the President." (Memorandum of conversation by Mr. Satterthwaite, 867N.01/
  Israeli Ambassador Elath called on Acting Secretary Webb on May 31 just
prior to his departure for a visit to Israel. The prime subject of their
was the United States note. Mr. Webb Tecords that "With strong emotion
in his
voice the Ambassador said he prayed to God that the United States Government
would not underestimate Israeli determination to preserve the security of
at all costs. It would :be a tragic thing, he said, if the friendly relations
our two countries should be altered because the United States Government
sisted on a course of action which would threaten Israeli security. He expressed
the fervent hope that this would not come to pass.
  "I said that I was sure the Israeli Government -realized that the
United States
Government would not send such a note without prior and careful consideration
of all the aspects involved. I referred to:the friendly relations between
our two
countries, and ,to the United States desire to see these relations continue,
and I
said that it was out of the deep friendship of the United States for Israel
we had"made the recommendations which we believed would lead to a lasting
peace in the Near East. I reiterated that what was necessary was a sincere
by all the parties to bring about a, genuine peace." (Memorandum of
501.BB Palestine/5-3149)

501.BB Palestine/5-2949: Telegram
   The Ambassador in Israel (McDonald) to the Secretary of State

TOP SECRET      NIACT                  TEL Aviv, May 29, 1949-6 p. m.
  406. ReDeptel 322, May 28. During half hour conference (Ford also
present) May 29 with Prime Minister and Foreign Minister at former's
home they read slowly note from President. At end of reading Foreign
Minister said "this grave note calls for considered answer which we
shall prepare."
  Prime Minister then expressed following:         US is world power
which helped us much before and-after state set up. US has right to
"have a say." But note ignores two fundamental facts: