cxasHMir vispuTe = tttittséiCd:S TL‘

armed forces. They trust that they would soon be put in a position in

which they can take sucha decision.” _

Sent Department 190,

repeated Delhi 34; pouched Rangoon; | re- |
peated London 17. oe Oe | a

—- Doorrrrie.


501.BC Kashmir/6—349 : Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in India* —

gporer  oniacr ——:C WASHINGTON, June 3, 1949—noon.

399. Kascom 82. For Macatee. Although Dept has been of view in
event rejection truce terms UNCIP shld endeavor continue negots it

now feels recent developments may make such UNCIP efforts of no

avail. Shld UNCIP share this view Dept sug; ests you propose in

UNCIP consideration be given possibility that truce disagreement be
submitted with consent of two parties to arbitration by impartial third

party. Dept believes such procedure preferable this stage to reference

issue SC. This connection Dept offers fol comments: | e
1. Basic reason failure truce agreement thus far appears due mutual
suspicions and unwillingness both parties voluntarily accept compro-
mise. Submission issue to arbitrator wld provide way out for 2 Govts
from positions to which now committed and relieve them responsibility
explaining acceptance any politically undesirable conditions.

9. Role arbitrator wld be limited to arbitration of truce only and
wid not extend. to other issues. Fol arbitration of truce remainder
settlement wld be carried forward along previously agreed lines.

8. Essential requisite settlement by arbitration is agreement in
advance both parties accept arbitrator’s decision. ee oo

4. Arbitrator wld presumably operate within framework Aug 1s:
Res but wld not be bound by any proposals UNCIP re truce. a

5. Dept believes assuming 2 parties agreeable UNCIP cld arrange.
arbitration this issue without reference SC. a eS,

6. In event UNCIP decides adopt above approach it shld take vigor-
ous stand urging acceptance thereof on GOP-GOL. Prebably also
desirable UNCIP recommend member Govts they also urge GOI-GOP
acceptance. re as

7. Shid UNCIP agree this proposal Dept wld have no preference as
to individual selected as arbitrator, but foresees possibility parties
and UNCIP might turn to Nimitz. Dept has not approached Nimitz
this subj but has reason believe that while not seeking position of
arbitrator this specific issue he wld not refuse serve if formally invited
by UNCIP thru SyG. FYI which you use discreetly if necessary
Dept is informed Nimitz wld not wish serve as mediator truce issue
believing he wid face same difficulties which confronted UNCIP.
Dept agrees. | Oo SF


1 Repeated to Karachi as 159 and London as 1916.