Equally the Arab States should have guaranteed freedom of communi-
cation and access to the Mediterranean. If another solution were
adopted for the Southern Negev thlre should nonetheless be guaran-
teed freedom of communication and access across it between Egypt
and Jordan and between Israel and the Red Sea. An alternative
method of providing for freedom of communication and access might
be by a neutra1 zone or zones.
   (v) A free port (or at ,least a free zone for all Arab States) should
be established at Haifa with an arrangement by which Iraqi crude oil
could be freely exported in return for the provision by Iraq of normal
supplies for the Haifa Refinery.
   (vi) There should be sa partition of Jerusalem for administrative
purposes with international supervision, particularly of the Holy
   (vii) Central Arab Palestine should be incorporated in Jordan
   (viii) Israel and the Arab States concerned should agree to -share
for their mutual benefit the waters of the Jordan and Yarmuk.

       Terms of Reference of the Economic Survey Mission'
The Palestine Conciliation Commission,
  Desiring further to implement paragraphs 10 and 11 of General As-
sembly resolution 194 (III) of 11 December 1948, and to obtain infor-
mation which will serve as the basis for recommendations for further
action by the General Assembly, Member States, appropriate special-
ized agencies, and interested organizations, and
  Having noted the declarations of representatives of Israel and the
Arab States with respect to repatriation, resettlement and compensa-
tion of refugees,
  Pursuant to the authorization granted to it under paragraph 12 of
the foregoing resolution,
  1. Hereby establishes under its auspices an Economic Survey Mis.
sion to examine the economic situation in the countries affected by the
recent hostilities, and to make recommendations to the Commission
for an integrated programme:
      (a)-To enable the -Governments concerned to further such
    measures and development programmes -as are required to-over.
    come-economic dislocations created by thehostilities, -

  Dated September 1, 1949; reprinted from GA (IV), Ad Hoc Political -Com-.
mittee, Annex, volume 1, 1949, p. 29.