1452           FOREIGN RELATIONS, 1949, VOLUME VI

Brit Emb rep but made clear further consideration depended on

  'Messrs. Wilkins and Greenhill discussed the Palestine problem again on
October 21. The latter stated that "Adequate arrangements should be
made for
the safety of the Holy Places and access to them." Later in the discussion,
said that "The United Kingdom was prepared to give general support to
Palestine Conciliation Commission's plan for the internationalization of
Jerusalem area . . . It was not :anxious, however, to take the initiative
or to
bring pressure to bear on Israel or the Arab states with regard to the plan."
He also stated that his Government would avoid discussing the incorporation
of Arab Palestine into Jordan during the current session of the General Assembly
but would wish such action realized at the end of the session.
  Mr. Wilkins' memorandum of conversation notes that "I pointed out
that the
views of the Foreign Office with regard to Jerusalem were not completely
to me. I said that if the United Kingdom Delegation confined its remarks
in the
General Assembly to the safety of the Holy Places and access to them, the
pression might be created in the General Assembly that the United Kingdom
did not generally support the internationalization of the Jerusalem area.
Greenhill said this was not the British intention and that he would bring
point to London's attention."
  Concerning the formal union of Arab Palestine and Jordan, Mr. Wilkins writes
that "I again pointed out that it was too early to tell what action
might- be taken
on this score as it would be necessary to await developments in the, General
Assembly and to consider the situation in the Near East after the end of
General Assembly before we would :be in a 'position to' determine what action
could be taken" regarding the matter. (501.BB Palestine/10-2149)

501.BB Palestine (E) /10-2549: Telegram
          The Secretary of State to the Legation in Lebanon'

CONFIDENIAL                     WASHINGTON, October 25,. 1949-7 p. m.
   642. Esmis 21. [To Clapp.]
   1) On Oct 24 Dept officials discussed current thinking re ESM
report and UN action in relief, resettlement and polit fields with reps
UK, Fr and Turkish embs (Deptel 636 Oct 21).
  2) Reps were supplied with a) diagram        chart of IJN structure 2
which might result from     anticipated GA   action; b) Brief analysis
this chart; 2 c) Draft GA res 2 which was drawn up on basis Legtel
549 3 and Deptel 636 for purpose of clarifying our thinking (summary
fols separate tel 4) and     d) draft proposal for long-term        org
(NESDA).2                    N
   3) Reps informed four documents were preliminary working drafts-
and were laid on table to coordinate joint thinking here and to keep
in step with your joint thinking in Beirut.
   4) Reps were requested ascertain views their govts re draft in light
of reports from their reps on ESM.

  'This telegram was repeated to Paris, London, and Ankara and to New York
for the American Delegation to the Palestine Conciliation Go)mmission.
  2Not found attached.
  3 Dated October 18, not printed.
  ' See infra.