ests of- keeping US Government. and especially US -representative on
Conciliation ,Commission fully informed prior to convening of Com-
mission. Reports in daily classified summaries since January 14 have
covered, highlights of negotiations to date. Text of Israeli-Lebanon
agreement transmitted mytel 70, January -19, and text of declaration
.approved at Rhodes January 14 transmitted mytel 71, January 19.
  In addition to information .previously. reported on Faluja with-
drawal, Bunche has reported that terms of agreement provide that
heavy equipment to be evacuated to Egypt under UN supervision and
control and held in UN custody until Chief-of-Staff satisfied anticii-
pated armistice :effective. UN staff plans for withdrawal approved by
both parties with minor modifications. Bunche on January 17 noted
that Israelis very conciliatory in discussing Faluj a agreement.
   In answer to SYG's request for reports on downed RAF planes in
Negev and Aqaba. landings (mytel 44, January 14 2), ,Bunche has re-
plied that in view, of prospects for significant results from Rhodes talks
he desired to avoid inciting SC-debates ,leading to recriminatory ex-
changes between Egyptians and Israelis which might have unfavorable
repercussions in Rhodes. lBunche reported that until full information
available and carefully-appraised, he did not feel-able to present to
SC acha. rge.of breach of trucein Aqaba landings. He reported that
as of January 15 his information was incomplete and also noted that
SC President had not requested reports on either downed RAF planes
or Aqaba landings,. While personally deploring incidents, Bunche
reportedhe would make full reports to SC only when ,full information
available and SC decides to take up question.

  --Not printed.

867N.01/1-2049: Telegram
             Mr. Wells Stabler to the Secretary of State

 CONFIDENTIAL                    AMMAN, January 20, 1949-1 p. m.
   26. Mytel 159, December 15.1 Apparently on suggestion of King
 Supreme Moslem Council for Palestine in Jerusalem     decided on
 January 18 that his Majesty should be proclaimed King in all Mosques
 in Palestine on Friday January 21. Religious ceremony is planned
 at Dome of Rock Mosque in Jerusalem to be attended by new Mufti
 of Palestine, President Supreme Moslem Council., Military Governor
 and other high civil and religious dignitaries. Short invocation will

 Not printed.