rather than British rejected by King, who very wisely apparently
deems such tactics unnecessarily offensive at this time.
  In view foregoing, Embassy believes no prompting necessary at
moment since wheels appear to be already in motion.
  Sent Department, pouched Dhahran.

890.014,5/10-2549: Telegram
       The Secretary of State to the Legation in Saudi Arabia:'

SECRET                     WASHINGTON, November 1, 1949-6 p. m.
  421. For your info Dept disturbed peremptory nature notes drafted
by Hudson for transmittal by SAG to Sheikh Bahrein and BAPCO
re jurisdiction dispute Abu Saafa. Duce showed drafts Dept after
their transmittal Jidda. Dept believes inadvisable ARAMCO submit
Hudson drafts SAG present form and so advised Duce. Dept ex-
pressed specific objections (1) ultimatum, (2) demanded disavowal
of BAPCO claims, (3) truculent phraseology, and suggested ARAM-
CO modify notes to create atmosphere most conducive earliest
amicable settlement claims, or, if drafts already delivered, express to
SAG same objections described above and-urge phraseology more
suited to friendship existing between Ibn Saud and Sheikh Bahrein
and more appropriate to Arab traditions. Duce unwilling modify on
fiction Hudson acting directly for SAG not ARAMCO.
   Dept gratified learn (re urtel 626, Oct 25) of moderate attitude
 Feisal Comite, but disturbed over apparent ARAMCO pressure for
 more drastic action.
   Further developments include: (1) SAG claims to six-mile margi-
 nal sea which affect area current Abu Saafa operations open serious
 question within Dept. and (2) BAPCO structural drill operations Abu
 Saafa shoals completed Oct 28 and moved to another shoal. Sheikh
 Bahrein instructed BAPCO continue operations in area but stated
 prepared order suspension operations and discuss claims if SAG (not
 ARAMCO) so requests.
   Unless you perceive objections, informally   advise SAG    and
 ARAMCO of Sheikh's tractable position pointing out that it appears
 that difficult problem can be solved by simple request of SAG to
 Sheikh of Bahrein,

'This telegram was repeated to London and Dhahran.