ISRAELI                        1381

501.BV Palestine/9-1349 :Telegram
     The Consul at Jerusalem- (B- urdett) to the Secretary.. of State

CONFIDENTIAL                JERUSALEMf September 13, 1949-4 p. m.
  565. Deptel 360, September 7.1 ConGen wishes reiterate view ex-
pressed Contel495 July 27 re importance delineating final line between
Jewish and Arab zones in Jerusalem instrument to be presented to
GA. Believes decision as to where line should run within international
area of Jerusalem need not be affected by final boundary settlement
and can be determined independently. It is supposed that in any final
settlement Israel will retain corridor linking Jerusalem to Coast.
Therefore same military and other factors must be considered in draw-
ing line regardless of exact final boundaries., ConGen is obliged to
differ strongly with PCC belief that present "provisional line"
be used without prejudice to establishment of definitive line later.
Israel attitude towards "temporary" armistice lines indicated only
too clearly its probable reaction to any future change. While under
no illusion as to difficulties ofimposing boundaries on Israel, ConGen
firmly -believes that only possibility of change lies in incorporating
specific final line in Jerusalem instrument now. It is assumed PCC and
US not prepared accept present line. Prospects of Arab support for
international regime will be greatly increased by return-,of Arab
quarters, while Israel opposition must be assumed in any event.
   Following factors should be taken into account in dra-wing final
   1. UN previously unwilling to recognize that conquest of territory
by force confers legal right, 'particuladly in Jerusalem which theo-
retically has been continuously under UN protection. Thus logical
starting point is status quo November 29,1947.
   2. At same time, for practical administrative reasons, essential that
 Jewish and Arab zones be homogeneous entities avoiding to maximum
 extent possible corridors and enclaves. Therefore liones should be
 drawn creating compact Jewish and Arab zones which will involve
 retention by Jewish zone of some conquered Arab areas while sur-
 rendering large Arab quarters in southern Jerusalem and in addition
 certain Jewish sectiOns which cut Arab quarters ioff from    main
 Arab zone. In practice Israel would receive larger area than held on
 November 29.
 Not printed.
