tion financial responsibility by US, and must reiterate that agreement
repatriation is obligation placed upon. Israel. by international com-
munity under Dec 11 res.
_ USG further notes with disappointment that Israeli Govt has shown
no inclination meet conditions on which US offer assistance (Unpal
114) was based. In event. conditions met at future date, USG wld be >
prepared at that time consider question. of assistance to Israel and
_ Arab states. However, you shld emphasize implications such delay,
since US support of refugee settlement program conditional upon UN
action and sponsorship. Such program wld necessitate time-consuming
and laborious preparation by PCC prior. to presentation to GA. this
autumn. Under present. circumstances, PCC not in position initiate
preparation such program in absence necessary political cooperation.
Therefore any additional delay will mean Increasing difficulty if not
impossibility obtaining UN action this year.

‘You shld also inform Arabs USG attitude.® a


¢Mr. Hare delivered the message contained ‘in ‘Unpal 160 to Mr. Eytan. on
January 22. The latter “made no comment on substance of message. other than
to say it would be duly considered and that. he assumed reply in action rather
than words would be preferred. I said that was exactly the case.” (telegram. Palun:
227, June 23, 11 a. m., from Lausanne, 501.BB Palestine/6-2349) —s .

The Department, on June 27, directed Tel Aviv to take the line ‘get ‘forth

in Unpal 160 in discussing the refugee’ question with the Israeli Government
(telegram : 406, 501. BB Palestine/C-2149). Co


501.BB. Palestine/6-1649 : ‘Telegram |

The. Acting Secretary of 8 tate to the Consulate General at J. erusalem 1

SECRET WasuHincron, June 20, 1949 p.m.

275. Dept endorses your reply Dayan conversation reported Contel
496 Jun 16. We consider SC Res May 29 and July 15 in force. Some
changes brought about by armistice agreements which were negotiated
by parties pursuant subsequent SC Res but these do not invalidate —
those provisions earlier resolutions left untouched. Bunche regards
these resolutions as in force and plans proposed new res superseding
them when Syrian armistice concluded. He wld retain only simple |
cease-fire and transfer mediator function this respect to PCC. Dept’s
position on this proposal not yet formulated.

Dept not certain whether UN position Govt House area can be
properly described as legal right « or as privilege. Issue lies primarily

1This telegram was repeated to Tel Aviv and Amman and to Bern for the
“American Delegation at Lausanne.