INDEX                              1833

Near and Middle East-Continued        Nehru, Pandit Jawaharlal, 15, 24, 51,
  British policy and role, 32, 35, 39-41, 1483, 1686, 1689, 1693, 1699, 1702-
      50-53, 59,5- 62-64, 67-89, 107-108, 1705, 1707, 1712, 1718-1722, 1726,
      416, 435, 611-612, 835, 907, 910,   1728, 1731-1739, 1742, 1744-1746,
      925, 1011-1012, 1435, 1482-1483,    1749-1756, 1761, 1766-1771, 1775
      1491                            Nelson, Stuart D., 1304n
  Communist movement and threat, 33, Nepal, 8, 19, 21, 27, 29
      62-639 170, 178. 224, 586, 621  Netherlands, 63, 453, 694, 835, 1512,
  Conference of U.S. Chiefs of Mission    1526, 1683
      in the Near East at Istanbul, Neuville, Ren6, 661-663, 680n, 683n,
      Nov. 26-29, 1949, 61, 66, 89n, 165- 843, 999-1000, 1160n, 1512
      179, 463-464, 1510-1511, 1521, Newmont Mining Corporation, 1794
      1533, 1622, 1624, 1627-1629, 1685, New Zealand, 52, 694, 1511
      1780n                            Nicaragua, 1511
   Economic development: plans, 67-68, Nicholson, Thomas L., 1780
       76-79, 948, 1651                Niles, David K., 1083n, 1332
   French position, 1258, 1482-1483, 1491 Nimitz, Fleet Adm. Chester W.,
   Middle East pact, proposed,- 31, 33-38, 1693, 1700, 1702, 1704-1706, 1709-
       70, 176, 501, 571, 1627-1628        1710, 1715, 1717-1718, 1722-1723,
   Persian Gulf: Median line proposal,     1726, 1740-1742, 1744, 1748-1749
       92-94, 104, 107-108, 117; offshore Nitze, Paul H., ,11n, 1332, 1654n
       boundaries, 91-94, 96-122, 125, Noel-Baker, Philip J,, 350, 1761
       127-136, 151-161; situation in, 82- Nokrashy Pasha, 80-81, 186n, 197-19.8
       85, 1621                        North Atlantic Treaty Organization,
   Petroleum pipelines: Development of, 29n, 45n, 233, 271n, 1640n
       109-111, 119, 137-140; strategic North Atlantic Treaty Organization
       importance of, 1010                 Council, 414n
   Petroleum resources : British positio~n, North  Atlantic Treaty  Organization
       93-94, 104, 107-108; concessions,   countries, 503, 505, 550, 1616,
       disputes concerning, 94-95, 104- Norton, Sir Clifford, 235-236, 240,
    *  105; defense of, 17, 30, 41, 5R,    268, 291, 311. 312n, 315, 323,
       1010; development of, U.S. par-     362n, 370, 385, 416, 421, 426,
       ticipation in the, 41, 51, 9:1-164  437, 446
       passim; neutralization of, pro- Norway, 34, 159, 453, 456n, 1290,
       posed, 58; offshore development      1762n
       of, 82, 96-407, 111-422, 125, 127- Nuni as-Said, 80, 111, 139, 143,
       136, 151-161 ; security importance   148, 156, 635, 746, 757, 810,
852, 927,
       of, 43, 58, 62-63, 272, 549-550      994-995, 1008n
    Security of,: 186, 203n, 204n, 572, 698, Nuveen, John, 237n, 238, 360-361,
    Soviet pressure, 5, :30, 33, 40, 42, 62, Nuwar, Capt. All, 1314
        * 9,44 519, 4      4,5850 Nye, Lt. Gen. Sir Archibald, 1691, 1699,
      199,4724,       545-546548-55,        1720, 1744, 1759, 1768, 1770-1771

    Syrian-Iraqi union, proposed. See
        Syria, proposed merger with un- O'Donoghue, Sidney E., 280281
                          ,proposed mer- Office of the Foreign Liquidation
              wer Ir ndeIra, Symissioner. 1696
        ger with under Syria.
    U.S. economic and military assistance, Ohliger, Floyd, 133
        45-48, 169-170, 172-174, 277, 765, Ohly, John H., 590-591
        807 937, 943n, 1365             O'Keefe, Col. Richard J., 1583, 1589-
    U.S. policy, 52, 62-64, 67-89, 165-179, 1594, 1596, 1599, 1604-1605,
        182, 208, 271, 275, 502n, 573, 587, 1613, 1618-1620,,1622, 1624-1627
        606, 672, 675, 678, 691, 758, 798, Oman, 83
        831-833, 1061, 1203, 1221, 1235, Ordonneau, Pierre-Andre, 1774
        1327, 1435, 1521-1522, 1651, 1660 Organization of European Economic
     U.S. security interests in, 1-49, 56-59, operation, 441, 1643, 1658-1659,
         271-272, 278, 279n, 455, 456n, 474, Overseas Consultants, Inc. See
         546, 554, 602, 611-612, 640, 652,   Iran.
         658, 832-833, 835-837, 970, 973, Owen, Garry, 133, 152, 155n
         1011-1012, 1061-1002, 1073, 1089, Owen, Marguerite, 1426
         1134, 1219, 1279, 1340, 1436-1437,
         1645                            Pachachi, Muzahim al-, 139
   Near East College Association, 840    Pacific Western Oil Corporation,
   Near East Development, 132                105, 120, 132n
   Near East Foundation, 526, 566, 840   Packer, Earl L., 17'80