I repeat these words because they reflect my feelings and the policy
of my government today as accurately-as they did then.
  Mr. Sadak's intelligence, broad experience and constructive ap-
proach to world problems have been greatly appreciated by the
Secretary of State and myself, as well as by other American officials
with whom he came in contact during his recent visit. I am sure, Mr.
President, that he is leaving this country with a true understanding
of 'the policies and problems of the United States Government in this
troubled time.
  I am confident too that Mr. Sadak leaves with the realization that
the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty in no wise diminishes the
concern felt in the United States for the maintenance of the independ-
ence and integrity of Turkey and other free nations outside the At-
lantic area; but rather, by strengthening the collective security of the
Atlantic Treaty countries, the creation of this pact serves to enhance
Turkey's security as well. Through it, the principles first enunciated
with respect to Greece and Turkey are further implemented with re-
spect to other freedom-loving peoples of the community of nations.
  With assurances of my warmest wishes for your personal health
and happiness, as well as for the continued welfare of the Turkish
   I remain, with great respect,
       Very sincerely yours,                    HARRY S. TRUMAX

The Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (Thorp) to
                the Turkish Ambassador (Erkin)

                                     [WAsHiNGToN,] April 26, 1949.
   EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to refer to my recent conversation
 with His Excellency the Foreign Minister of Turkey, Mr. Necmeddin
 Sadak,' during the course of which Mr. Sadak requested that the
 United States Government assist the Government of Turkey in bear-
 ing the burden of its national defense establishment by increasing
 the funds proposed for allocation under the Military Assistance Pro-
 gram by thirty million dollars, this amount to be utilized for items
 of current military consumption otherwise payable from the Turkish
 national budget.
   As you and Mr. Sadak are aware, the President will soon propose
 formally to the Congress that the United States Government extend

 'Regarding the conversation under reference here, see telegram 132, April
 to Ankara, p. 1653.