Projects," and "Terms of Reference of the Economic Survey Mission"
(GA, Ath sess., Ad Hoc Political Commnittee, Annex, volume I, pages

501.BB Palestine (E) /11-949
  Memorandum of Conversation, by the Second Secretary of the
            Embassy in the United Kingdom (Root)

SECRET                               [LONDON,] November 9, 1949.
Subject: The Interim    Report of the Economic Survey Mission
     (ESM) to the Near East.
Participants: Mr. Arthur Z. Gardiner,'Department of State
              Mr. John F. Root, American Embassy, London
              Mr. M. R. Wright, Assistant Under-Secretary of State,
                Foreign Office
              Mr. Bernard Burrows, Head, Eastern Department,
                Foreign Office
              Mr. J. G. T. 'Sheringham, Eastern Department, For-
                eign Office
              Mr. Trefor Evans, Middle East Secretariat, Foreign
              Mr. E. B. Boothby, Head, Refugee Department, For-
                eign Office
              Mr. C. J. Edmonds, UK Representative, IRO
              Hon. H. A. A. Hankey, Assistant, Personnel Depart-
                ment, Foreign Office
              Miss Barbara Salt, Assistant, United Nations (Eco-
                nomic and Social) Department, Foreign Office
Note: Second conversation of two between Mr. Gardiner and Foreign
    Office officials.'
  Mr. Wright said he and his colleagues were glad for the opportunity
to have this preliminary discussion with Mr. Gardiner and to learn of
the ESM thinking at first hand. He noted that any decisions of con-
clusions with respect to the ESM proposals would await his forth-
coming talks in Washington.2
  Mr. Gardiner then offered to give the group some of the background
to ESM's work. He said there had been two particular sets of prob-
lems. The first was a question of engineering opinion. There had been
a certain divergence between the views of the TVA engineers and the
British experts. The British contemplated a series of headworks in
the Jordan urea which would distribute, but not increase, the supply

  The first conversation took place the previous day; Mr. Root's memorandum
of the earlier conversation is not printed.
  2   documentation on these talks, see pp. 186 if.