1558          FOREIGN RELATIONS, 1949, VOLUME V4

  The program must be ready for presentation to Congress early in
January, and if a complete case is to be presented, it will be necessary
for the Department of Defense to testify as to the strategic importance
of maintaining stability in the areas affected. I hope that the Depart--
ment of Defense will participate in the presentation.
  Sincerely yours,                                  DEAN ACHESON.

883.00/12-2349,. Telegram
  The Ambassador in Egypt (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

SECRET                            CAIRO, December 23, 1949-3 p. m.
  1166. The King's principal advisers after much recent discussion
among themselves have decided to propose next week to the King that
Egypt propose a definite boundary solution for peace with Israel. They
have decided also to propose that this step be taken in the near future
without waiting for the results of the election.'
  Repeat to McGhee.                                        CAFFERY
  1This telegram was made a subject of a circular telegram sent December
2 a. m., to London, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Amman, and New York. (800.00 Sum-
maries/12-2749) Amfhassador McDonald, in reply on December 31, 11 p. M.,
stated that "It would be helpful here if Caffery could elaborate Cairo's
I am sure Israel would welcome Egypt if approached directly or through US
Government or otherwise. Sharett told me December 31 Israel had responded
favorably to recent information Egyptian suggestions in MAC that those ex-
changes be broadened to include political issues. To date no Egyptian reply
Israel's willingness broh0den MAC." (telegram 924, from Tel Aviv, 867N.01/

767N.901/12-2749: Telegram
    The Chargi in Jordan (Fritzlan) to the Secretary of State

SECRET                         AMMA N, December 27,1949-10 a. m.
  431. 9I saw Samir Pasha Sunday morning, received following re
meeting between him and Shiloah and Sassoon last Friday: Outset
Samir asked Israelis what formula they devised satisfy Jordan's claim
access Mediterranean. Shiloah said after much consideration Israeli
Government had decided could not give up [apparent garble] but
would give Jordan sea front of about 3 km. just north Israel-Egypt
line and possibly 3 additional km. if -present no-man's land on front
divided between Israelis and Egyptians. Israelis would allow Jordan
full sovereignty over corridor Hebron to this coast point width to be
50 to 100 meters. However, should Jordan later obtain Gaza strip