that we quite possibly may follow up this step with strong note to
Soy Govt with copy to ,SC for info, it looks to me as if situation
is such that there should be no added perturbation at this moment.
In other words Shah should carefully consider not merely what steps
he may desire to take for constitutional reform but still more impor-
tant timing of any such steps. In my opinion he will be very ill
advised to rock boat in any way at this time.
   Pls try and get this message to Shah soonest. [Wiley.]

 891.011/2-149: Telegram
          The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Iran'

 SECRET    US URGENT         WASHINGTON, February 1, 1949--7 p. m.
   85. Supplementing Deptel 84 Feb. 1: Brit Emb Rep on instruction
 FonOff read Dept Jan. 31 Le Rougete12 report Shah's plan issue
 decree this week calling Constituent Assembly amend Constitution.
 FonOff disposed accept Le Rougetel recommendations he be instructed
 (1) inquire Shah whether focal Iranian Cabinet and Majlis figures
 have been consulted, (2) take occasion discourage proposed action on
 basis present time ill chosen for series national polls, and (3) advise
 Shah implementation present Constitution provision re Senate should
 precede attempt obtain amendment basic laws. FonOff desired Dept
 views and expressed desirability parallel US-UK representations.
 Dept indicated agreement Le Rougetel views and undertook re-
 quest Emb Tehran consult Le Rougetel re concerting US-UK con-
 versations with  Shah. Dept expressed     additional views:   (1)
 introduction by 'Shah contentious issue at this time would upset possi-
 bility favorable Majlis action on pending Seven-year plan legislation
 and (2) internal dissension Iran might have serious effect abroad by
 exposing Iran to predatory Soviet designs and greatly decreasing
 ability US and UK support 'Iran. Brit Emb and Dept agreed that
 even introduction subject Senate might have unfortunate effect upon
 pending Majlis legislation but that sympathetic attitude toward im-
 plementation present 'Constitution might be necessary tactic discour-
 age Shah from more grandiose scheme at this time.
 Consult closely with Le Rougetel with view to urgent, energetic
representations Shah along above lines.
  Wiley concurs.
 This telegram was repeated to London as 362
 'Sir John H. Le Rougetel, British Ambassador in Iran.