Southeast Asia: Australian position
      52; British policy, 50-52, 54-;Comr
      Jnunist pressures, 576; New Zealand
      position, 52; Southeast Asian con-
      ference, proposed, 52; U.S. policy,
      11, 52
 Sovereignty, questions relating to, 34,
     100, 103, 112-113, 129n, 132, 139n'
     261, 336, 339, 474, 508, 546, 662, 667,
     683, 685n, 710, 739-740, 784, 822,
     838, 961, 993, 1097, 1130-1131, 1159-
     1160, 1178n, 1294, 1319, 1349n, 1377,
     1391, 1457, 1498, 1519, 1534-1535,
     1540, 1546, 1552, 1558, 1560, 1565,
     1582-1583, 1587, 1592, 1603, 1664,
     1703, 1717, 1768-1769, 1782
 Soviet satellites, 2-3, 15, 42, 261, 263n,
     264n, 266, 270, 275-276, 279, 289-
     290, 327-328, 340, 346, 349, 351, 353-
     354, 365, 368n, 402n, 411, 417, 447,
     451, 466-467, 1433, 1525, 1660, 1667
 Soviet Union (see also S-oviet subhead-
     ings under individual countries):
     Jewish emigration, restrictions on,
     1433; peace offensive, 262; political
     And military objectives, 29, 40, 50,
     199, 265-267, 271, 279-280, 288,
     467n; U.S. civil aviation policy
     toward, 1667n; U.S. containment
     policy, 30, 453, 1754
 Spaak, Paul-Henri, 1663
 Spain, 1636
 Spanish Morocco, 1791
 Sparks, Joseph S., 1735, 1752-1756
 Spears, Gen. Sir Edward, 1212
 Spellman, Francis Cardinal, 946, 1015-
     1017, 1293-1294, 1348-1349, 1498-
 Sproul, Allen, 1654n
 Spurlock, Mr., 98, 103, 107, 116
 Sri Lanka: Independence, 11; Israel,
     policy toward. 694; military forces,
     21; Soviet policy, 15; U.N. member-
     ship, proposed, 774; U.S. economic
     !and technical assistance, z20, U.S.
     policy, 9, 27, 29
Stabler, Wells, 603-604, 630-632, 644,
     665, 666n, 667-668, 685, 687-688,
     702-703, 732-734, 744, 767-769, 808,
     810, 823-826, 845n, 851-852, 859-
     862, 866-867, 871-874, 879n, 886-
     887, 916-917, 919-920, 922, 962-
     964, 980-982, 1040n, 1049-1051,
     1056-1057, 1083n, 1097-1098, 1099n,
     1118n, 1121, 1141-1142, 1145, 1158-
     1159, 1186n, 1207n, 1231n, 1247-
     1248, 1268-1269, 1388n, 1395, 1405n,
     1409, 1440, 1465-1468, 1486, 1495-
     1498, 1510n, 1512-1514, 1518-1520,
     1523-1524, 1536n
Stalin, Iosif V., 251n, 345, 415, 516n,
Standard Oil Company" of California,
Standard Oil Company of New Jersey,
    110, 839

  Standard Oil. Company of New York,
I State-Army-Navy-Air Force Coordi-
      nating Committee, 8-31, 40n, 46,
      245, 271n, 272, 277, 1638
  Stephanopoulos, Stephanos, 310
  Stewart, John L., 1781
  Stewart, M. N. F., 199,9202
9 Steyn, Colin Fraser, 1802
, Strang, ,Sir William, 1099
- Struble, Vice Adm. A. D., 194n
  Sudan: British policy, 1077; status of,
      186, 209, 216; U.S. access to British-
      controlled air facilities in, 32; U.S.
      policy, 31, 209
  Suez Canal, 42, 80, 148n, 156, 157n, 203n,
      204, 206, 217, 224, 226, 611, 1010
  Suez Canal Company, 195-197
  Sulaiman, Shaikh Abdullah, 127, 133,
      161, 1605
  Sulzberger, Cyrus L., 238, 355n, 364n,
  Sweden,1270, 1523,91526
  Switzerland, 413, 1665
  Symonds, Frank, 1760-1761
  Syria (see also Syrian subheadings
      under Palestine question): Arms
      shipments to, 1153; British policy,
      181, 907; British recognition of new
      government, 1002, 1630-1631, 1633n,
      1636; economic development, 78,
      907; Egyptian recognition of new
      government, 1631, 1634, 1636; for-
      eign  policy, 641, 742-743, 770;
      French  arms for, 1056, 1057n;
      French monetary agreement, 799n;
      French recognition of new govern-
      ment, 1002, 1630, 1631, 1633n, 1636;
      Greater Syria, attitude toward,
      666, 1618; Iraq, proposed merger
      with, 55, 70, 166, 169n, 174-175,
      180-185, 1440-i441, 1456, 1482,
      1507n, 1561, 1619, 1621, 1627; Iraqi
      policy toward, 1636; Lebanese rec-
      ognition of new, government, 1630n,
      1636; Palestinian refugees, 51, 829,
      842, 857, 897, 907-908, 926,-935-937,
      965, 984-986, 989, 1007, 1008n, 1014,
      1031, 1054, 1226-1228, 1233n, 1235,
      1245-1246, 1267, 1271, 1317, 1337,
      1354, 1376, 1378, 1425, 1464; petro-
      leum pipeline concessions, 109-110,
      183, 743, 799n, 986; political situa-
      tion, 901, 905; TSaudi Arabian recog-
      nition of new  government, 1631,
      1634, 1636; Turkish policy, 1631,
      1636, 166,8; U.S. military assistance,
      request ,for, 1271; U.S. policy, 31,
      33, 172, 770-771; U.S. recognition
      of new  governments, 957, 1002,
      1630-1637, 1756

 Tabatabal, Sadeq, 480
 Taft, Orray, 1781, 1785
 Tait, George, 1780