ISRAEL oe ngs 731

Mediator’s proposal but was finding difficulty for security reasons in
agreeing to remove its forces from certain places. __ :

[Here follows last paragraph concerning the call later that day by
the Egyptian Ambassador.| a
a scr are . ACHESON


501.BB Palestine/2-649: Telegram

The Special Representative of the United States in 1 srael (iM cDonald)
Co to the Secretary of State a

TOP SECRET URGENT Ter Aviv, February 6, 1949—11 a, m.
101. Re Deptel 75 February 5. At 3:45 p. m. February 61 left memo
with Foreign Minister as per instructions. In conversation with For-.

eion Minister he stated as follows re memo: —

. 1. Deeply appreciative US efforts vis-a-vis Egypt. -
- 9, Deeply deplored Bunche’s January 31 proposal-as being far out
of line Israel’s position, and hopes it has not had fatal effect negotia-
tions. .Shertok had distinct impression Egypt had_ been willing be
more conciliatory, but that Egypt now standing firm on Bunche’s
proposal re thorny problem of El Auja.— —_ Caen be he at
8. Israel has in course negotiations already compromised as follows:
(a) Agreed to reduce Israeli Military forces in El Auja area —
to a few purely defensive units. 7 -
(b) Agreed completely evacuate town El Auja and place it
under United Nations supervision. = oo
(c) Agreed to having armistice commission sit on Israeli side-
line which for the “victor” is considered quite a concession. =~
(d) Agreed that if Egypt fears Israeli retention small units in
neighborhood surrounding El Auja, Egypt free to build new de-
fensives [defenses?] on Egypt frontier facing El Auja, this un-
usual concession in that while Israel binds herself not increase
defenses during armistice Egypt may doso. _ | |
(c) While first Israeli position was insist complete Egypt
evacuation Rafah-Gaza strip, Israel now has made major politi-
cal and military concession allowing continuance light Egypt
forces in strip area. ) BO |

Bunche’s proposal, while admitting in writing that area is “gate-
way of invasion” and that El Auja controls crossroads, nevertheless
insists that whole area comprising approximately 150 square kilo-
meters must be evacuated by Israeli. From viewpoint military defense
this apparently means Israel must abandon the most vital strong —
points in whole area and back up to indefensible positions leaving
themselves wide open if Egypt should change mind and resume war.
_ Shertok’s viewpoint is that, while Egypt is the invader it is Israel

who must, according to Bunche, withdraw her forces from wide area