4. Complete supervision of the Truce by the United Nations
    observers shall be allowed and facilitated.
      5. Movements of civilians shall not occur from one side to the
    other except by mutual agreement of the parties.
  This General Cease-Fire Agreement shall be without prejudice to
the rights, claims, interests and positions of either party signatory
hereto as regards specific matters which may relate to the Armistice
negotiations now in progress or to the ultimate peaceful settlement of
all outstanding issues between the parties.
  Done and signed in quadruplicate at Rhodes, Island of Rhodes,
Greece, on the eleventh day of March nineteen forty-nine, in the pres-
ence of the United Nations Acting Mediator on Palestine.
For the Government of Israel   For the Government of Transjordan
Reuven Shiloah                     Col. Ashed Sudki El Jundi
Col. Moshe Dayan                   Col. Mohammed Bey Mouaita
  In urging the parties to undertake voluntary cease-fire at this time,
I expressed the hope that its scrupulous observance by both sides would
serve to dissipate the tension which has recently developed in the
Southern Negev.
  The negotiations on the Armistice Agreement continue.

501.BB Palestine/3-1149: Telegram
     The Consul at Jerusalem (Burdett) to the Secretary of State
                                       JERUSALEI, March 11, 1949.
  216. According to Palestine Post Ben Gurion stated in Assembly
speech yesterday "Jerusalem was part of Jewish state, and there was
no difference between Jerusalem and other parts of Israel. World
recognition would be sought for this".
   Repeated Beirut 28, Baghdad 12, Damascus 11, Amman 16ý pouched
 Cairo, Jidda.

 501.BB Palestine/3-949: Telegram
 The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the
               United Nations (Austin), at New York

 CONFIDENTIAL                 WASHINGTON, March 11, 1949-1 p. m.
   154. Re memo whose text reported urtel 293 Mar 9 you may wish
 informally tell Eban Dept has already drawn attention US Min
 Damascus fact Syrian Govt obligated under SC res Nov. 16 to under-
 take armistice negots.
   Concern of PGI for conclusion armistices with Lebanon, Trans-
 jordan, Syria and Iraq meets with sympathetic response this Govt.