868.00/9-1749: Telegram
   The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Secretary of State

 SECRET                          PARIS, September 17, 1949-3 p. m.
   3837. Deptel 3204, August 29.' While cool from the start to whole
 conception of tripartite demarche to Albanians, on whose timeliness
 and efficacy they entertain real doubts, French are willing to asso-
 ciate themselves with US.and UK in note to 'be delivered by French
 Minister, Tirana. General atmosphere in Foreign Office is "if you
 really feel strongly aboutit we will not stand in your way."
   Regarding text, Foreign-Office considers draft in Deptel satisfac-
 tory through third sentence of paragraph 2 ending "reentry into
 Greece" although they think it would be useful to include some ref-
 erence to recent Albanian declaration regarding internment and dis-
 arming of guerrillas. They object to final sentence second paragraph
 on grounds it holds forth unrealizable promise of rewards. Their
 thinking in this respect follows that of British as reported in London's
 35380 Y2 They object to last repetitive and superfluous.
   French Embassy Washington fully instructed and will presumably
 present note.'
   Sent Department 3837, repeated London 634, Athens 56.
  ASame as telegram 3099, August 29, to London, p. 392.
  'Ante, p. 398.
  'The French Embassy note anticipated here has not been found in the files
the Department of State.

868.00/9-2049: Telegram
     The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Greece:'

SECRET                    WASHINGTON, September 20,1949-7 p. m.
  1577. Deptel 3099 to Lon Aug 29, rptd Athens 1416, Paris .3204.
Upon reexamination problem tripartite demarche Alb and for several
reasons, notably coolness from some quarters to idea, time elapsed
and fact GA now in session, Dept proposes suspending considera-
tion demarche this time.
  Ideas developed during exchange tels this subj can be impressed
upon Albans, and more important, upon Russ during course GA dis-
cussions if appropriate, and devs there may lead to other possibilities
of resolving problem.

  'This telegram Was also sent to London as 3418, to Paris as 3521, to Belgrade
as 559, to Moscow as 671, and to Sofia as 334.