-WITH TURKEY1
                           Editorial Note
   In an informal actiontaken on Febiuary 4, 1949, the State-Army-
 Navy-Air Force Coordinating Committee (SANACC) concurred in
 the redefinition by the Joint Chiefs of Staff of United States long-
 range strategic interests in'the military establishments of Greece and
 Turkey as a basis for planning on the extent and type of future
 United States military aid to Greece and Turkey. As set forth in
 their memorandum    designated document SANACC 358/8, Novem-
 ber 24, 1948 (Foreign Relatiozs,_ 1948, _volume IV, page 191), the
 Joint Chiefs of Staff defined United States strategic interest in Turkey
 as follows:
   "A Turkish military establishment of sufficient size and effectiveness
to insure Turkey's continued resistance to Soviet pressure; thedevelop-
ment of combat effectiveness to the extent that any overt Soviet
aggression can be delayed long enough to permit the commitment of
U.S. and allied forces in Turkey in order to deny certain portions of
Turkey-to the USSR."
The Committee's action was recorded inw document SANACC 358/91
February 4,1949.
  'For previous documentation on relations:with Turkey, see Foreign Relations,
  1948, vol. iv, pp. Iff.

  ECA Telegram Files, FRC Ace. No. 58 A 278, Paris Repto-Torep Telegrams:
  The United States Special Representative in Europe for the Economic
  Cooperation Administration (Harriman) to the Administrator for
  the Economic Cooperation Administration (Hoffman)

  SECRET                             PARIS, January 6, 1949-3 p. m.
  Repto 2173. Eyes only for Hoffman and Lovett 2 from Harriman.
  'These are the serial telegram files of incoming and outgoing Economic
operation Administration (ECA) cables for the years 1948-1951, as maintained
by the Administrative Services Division of the ECA and subsequently retired
the Mutual Security Agency. These files, which are presently administered
'by the
Agency for International Development, are a part of Federal Records Center
accession number 53 A 278.
  2 Under Secretary of State Robert A. Lovett served as Acting Secretary
  State until January 21, 1949, when Dean Acheson was sworn into office.