Foreign Minister first apologized his inability see Ford sooner ex-
plaining "press of business" had kept him otherwise occupied.
   Re general question Jerusalem 4nd particularly PCC proposals
 Foreign Minister did not depart materially from position heretofore
 laid down by lesser officials of Foreign Office (Embtels 726, October 5,
 and 740, October 10).4 He called PCC proposals "provocative, ana-
 chronistic" document, saying both immigration limitation and de-
 militarization features particularly "unrealistic". He said Israel
 aware" deep interest Christian world in safeguarding holy places but
 pointed out "fully 90 percent" these places in Arab hands and
thus he
 was unable understand why Israel being "repeatedly importuned"
 matter actually outside its control. He added Israel just as much con-
 cerned safeguardingits own holy place (specifying Wailing Wall and
 Rachael's Tomb) which likewise remained Arab hands. He concluded
 by saying Israel,"fully prepared, approach Jerusalem question coldly
 and dispassionately" and "to give all consideration outside world
 opinion provided such outside opinion gives similar consideration, to
 Israels interests".
   Re violence press campaign against PC!C proposals and threats
.physical violence implied in Jerusalem Congentel 609 and from other
"mysterious" sources, Foreign:Minister inclined dismiss latter
"work of irresponsible but harmless trouble makers". Press reaction
showed depth of Jewish feeling re Jerusalem "which had lasted some
thousands of years" and which PCC plan has merely "fanned into
new flame". This connection Foreign Minister cited "violent anti-
Israel campaign" recently conducted by world Catholic press, all of
which he said was based on "slanderous lies and misrepresentation".
   Comment: Ford concurs with me in belief that, pending discus-
sion Jerusalem question by GA, no useful purpose would be served
in further presentation subject here. I gather these people have
formulated plans of their own for GA debate, and until then they
appear to be stalling by plowing old ground. Moreover, rather graver
subject discussed at same long conference (Embtel 752, October 18 5)
has tended distract Foreign Minister's attention from   Jerusalem
issue which for moment appears have more of an academic than active
interest for him.
  I am inclined to agree with Foreign Minister's estimate of anony-
mous threats of violence although in view last year's tragic happen-
ings I propose bring each instance this nature, ,however far fetched,
promptly to Foreign Minister's attention. End comment.
  Sent Department 756; repeated Jerusalem 93; Department pass
Amman 57.
  'Latter not printed.
  No printed, but see footnote 3, p. 1441.