Butterworth, W. Walton, 1376
Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic,
 Byrnes, James F., 350, 697
 Cadogan, Sir Alexander, 330, 399-400,
     416, 1530, 1774-1776
 Caffery, Jefferson, 157n, 168, 169n, 223-
     224, 1369n, 1415, 1419n, 1508-1509,
     1542, 1558
 CIakir, H~sn**u, 1640n,-1673
 Caldwell, Robert- G., 1781
 Campbell, Gordon Thomas Calthrop,
 Campbell, John C., 364, 381-383, 412
 Campbell, Sir Ronald Ian, 189, 192-194,
     197n, 198, 199n, 200, 202, 203n, 206,
     219n, 220-221, 224, 651, 670, 780,
     9531, 1045, 1180, 1243n, 1373
 Canada, 277, 1275, 1284, 1290, 1291n,
     1302, 1341, 1490-1491, 1511, 1759-
     1762, 1764-1766, 1773
 Cannon, Cavendish N., 250-252, 256n,
     263-264, 292-293, 355, 363-364, 368-&
     369, 370n, 374, 380-381, 386n, 391,
     403, 423, 426-427
 Cargo, William I., 793
 Carim, Fuad, 1640n
 Carinthian question, 368
 Carney, Vice Adm. Robert B., 1640n
 Carson, Col. Marion, 1781
 Carter, Brig. Gen. Marshal S., 727n
 Central Intelligence Agency, 182, 1134,
 Ceylon. See Sri Lanka.
 Chadwick, John E., 93, 107-108, 134-135,
 Chapman, Wilbert M., 158n
 Chapman-Andrews,]. Edwin A., 190, 193,
    221-222, 780, 1373-1374, 1404-1405
 Charles-Roux, Francois, 197n
 Chataigneau, Yves, 365n
 Chauvel, Jean,-399-400
 Chiang Kai-shek, 53, 576
 Chiati, M.B., 1304, 1327-1328, 1350
 Childs, J. Rives, 58, 91, 107, 116n, 127-
    128, 129n, 133, 136, 160-161, 168,
    170,625-626,720,91414, 1424n, 1506n,
    1573-1574, 1576-1579, 1581-1622,
Chile, 159, 677, 1511
China (see also Chinese subheadings
    under ind4vidual countries) : Brit-
    ish policy, 52-54, 613, 907; Kuom-
    intang, 1751; political and military
    situation, 12, 53,-576, 613, 837, 1735;
    U.S. military assistance, 45n, 231,
    233, 472, 576,..1586, 1616; U.S.
    policy, 53
China Aid Act, 53
Chinese Communists: Indian policy,
    1751-1755;-Indian recognition, pro-
    posed, 1752,1755-1756; political, and
    military situation, 12, 53, 576;
    Soviet cooperation and support, 53,
    1752, 1754-1756; U.N. representa-
    tion, question of, 1755-1756

  Chopra, I. 8., 24
  Chouaib, Mohammad, 1779
  Chou En-lai, 1754
  Church World Service Committee, 840
  Churchill, Winston, 516n, 592, 652, 1144
  Chyle, Oldrich, 1718-1719
  Clapp, Gordon R., 67-68, 165, 167, 177-
      178, 1327, 1350-1353, 1358, 1366-
      1367, 1369, 1375, 1382n, 1390, 139,3,
      1403, 1408, 1414-1417, 1423, 1424n,
      1425-1426, 1442-1444, 1450, 1452-
      1453,1 1459, 1463, 1469-147-2, i-1477,
      1479, 1481, 1493, 1505, 1522, 1548,
 Clark, Harlan B., 85-86, 91 94-96, 99-
     100, 105, 144, 181n, 184, 789, 792n,
     1310-1311, 1350-1354, 1367-1368,
     1440, 1632-1633
 Clementis, Vladimir, 305n, 334
 Clifford, Clark M., 602n. 623n, 628, 741nT,.
     1023, 1115, 1291n, 1328n, 1522n
 CJoutisr, BIRnice; 1781,
 Clutton, George L., 186n, 197-198, 219-
 Cochran, J. Merle, 53
 Cohen, Benjamin V., 456
 Colban, Erik, 1686, 1718, 1723-1724,
 Collins, F.D., 1708-1710, 1742-1744
 Collins, Walter, 765
 Colombia, 1724
 Comay, Michael, 842,7-843, 905n, 911-915,
     923n, -925, 955,975, 1085, 1125, 1276,
     1320, 1367n, 1419-1420,9'1481-1482,
     1504, 1521
 Committee for Holy Land Appeal, 840
 Commonwealth, 11, 13, 22, 453, 694,-836;
 Commonwealth Conference at Colombo,
     1950, 1563
 Commonwealth Conference at London,
    1949, 1703
 Communist Information Bureau (Coin-
    inform), 250-253, 255, 257-258, 261,
    263n, 264, 267-268, 276, 281, 287-
    '288, 291-292, 294, 313, 360n, ,364,
    366n, 368-369, 375, 381, 393-394,
    408, 410, 412, 427, 459, 463, 467n
-Congress, U.S.
  Chiang Kai-shek, support for, 53
  Consular representation abroad, 1569
  Greece, U.S. aid for, 229, 231f-232. 234,
      247, 271-272, 277, 281,-284, 313-
      314, 318,9 331-332, 339, 359, 362,
      379, 431, 462
  Greek-Turkish  aid  program, 1649,
  House   Appropriations   Committee,
  House Foreign Affairs Committee,
      379, 839
  House of Representatives, 830, 839..
  Houise Rules Committee, 839
  Iran, U.S. economic and military
      assistance for, 472, 487n, 503-504,
      506, 517-518, 521, 523-525, '547,
      552, 556, 558-560, 562, 567, 570,
      573, 576, 584, 593