goes on to comment that Beersheba is more of an issue between the SC
and: Israel than between Egypt and Israel. if it is an issue at all.
   In response Reedman inquiry whether USG might take some action
 this point, Ross suggested (and subsequently confirmed suggestions
 after discussion McClintock) that best procedure at this juncture
 would be for SYG to see Fawzi and Eban here,
   Text Bunche cable will be sent Department soon as received.

 501.BB Palestine/2-349: Telegram
    The Secretary of State to the Consulate General in Jerwsalefm'

 CONFIDENTIAL                WVASHINGTON, Februar'y 18, 1949-7 p.0 M.
   99. Ur 107 Feb 3 .2Dept has explored possibility converting ConGen
 Jerusalem to Diplometic Agency. Dept believes step inadvisable at
 present time since no international administrative authority, such as
 UN representatives mentioned UNGA resolution Dec 11, exists Jerusa-
 lem and no international regime as yet established.
  :'This telegram was repeated to Ankara, London, and Paris.
  2 Notprinted; Consul Burdett made the suggestion "in order to signify
attitude toward Jerusalem and to forestall further steps by Israel toward
nexation." (501.BB Palestine/2-349)

501.BB Palestine/2-1949: Telegram
        The Charge" in Thaq (Dorsz), to the, Secretary of State

CONFIDENTIAL                    BAGHDAD, February 19, 1949-8 a. m.
   69. Palun 49. [From Ethridge.] 1. On February 17 Ibn Saud with
informality and cordiality received Commission-at Rivadh three times:
Following arrival, before evening prayer and for dinner. King con-
tinually emphasized Saudi Arabia's desire to cooperate in restoring
peace but strongly stressed necessity for equal desire on part of Jews.
At second meeting King cited -three prerequisites to settlement: (1)
Real guarantees by UN [and?] by larger powers making sure that
settlement would be effective; (2) that immediate action would be
taken by UN to make possible for Arabrefugees to return to their
homes; and (3) that present GA and SC resolutions re Palestine
would be made effective and that those who did not comply would be
made to do so or be penalized accordingly, [after?] which refugee
question could be discussed first. Ibvr Saud, following intervention by
counsellors such as Sheikh Yussuf, and Hamza Bey, hedged somewhat
on Prince Feisal's previously indicated Willingness actively to partici-