judges shall receive uniform salary, and allowances, in amounts
    to be determined by the General Assembly."
  This would be followed by the present second paragraph of the
working paper, with the insertion of the word "all" before "the
parties" in the second line.
  The following additional paragraph for Article 10 is also suggested:
      "The Mixed Tribunal may issue such orders in Jerusalem as it
    deems necessary for the effective exercise of its jurisdiction. The
    decisions and orders of the Mixed Tribunal shall be executed by
    the appropriate authorities of the zone in which such decision or
    order applies."
  Article 11 bis. The salaries, allowances, and administrative expenses
of the United Nations Commissioner, the Deputy Commissioner, the
International Tribunal for Jerusalem, the Mixed Tribunal for Jeru-
salem,,and the staff of the Administrator, including guards and admin-
istrative personnel, shall be included in the annual budget adopted by
the General Assembly and shall be paid by the United Nations.
  Comnment: This text would replace the last paragraph of present
Article 11.
  Article 12. As to the first paragraph, it might be desirable to specify
that guards may also be stationed on the routes specified by the Admin-
istrator to give immediate access to the Holy Places.
  With regard to paragraph 2 on taxation, we would consider that the
corresponding clause, (Article 56, paragraph 6) of the Trusteeship
Council draft Statute, would be preferable. This clause was based
almost textually on the General Assembly Resolution of November 29,
1947 and had wide acceptance among United Nations members, in-
cluding France.
  Article 13. The Commissioner shall undertake to secure for minis-
ters of religion and pilgrims free circulation throughout Jerusalem.
He shall have power to negotiate and conclude with the States con-
cerned arrangements to facilitate the travel of ministers of religion
and pilgrims to and from Jerusalem.
  Article 15. It is suggested that the second paragraph begin as
       "The reponsible authorities of the two zones shall make declara-
     tions to the General Assembly guaranteeing the demilitarized
     character of their respective zones
   The third paragraph might read:
       "Any violation of the provisions contained in these assurances
    or any attempt to alter the international regime by force shall,
    unless settled by negotiations or pursuant to a decision of the
    Tribunal, be reported by the Commissioner to the Secretary Gen-
    eral, who shall bring the matter to the attention of the Security
    In the fourth paragraph we suggest that "two parties" be replaced
 by "responsible authorities" 'and that the following be added
to the end
 SOmission in the source text.