weight with all concerned to assure acceptance of program. Agree
PCC staff technical-group might carry to conclusion studies re refugee
aspects of problem including initial studies on organization of any
permanent refugee agency, if this is decision; however, Dept feels
that broader economic aspects could be better dealt with by separate
body such as envisaged as survey group.

bO1.BB Palestine/5-2049: Telegram
        The Secretary of State to the Legation in Switzerland

SECRET                         WASHINGTON, May 20, 1949--1 p. m.
  Unpal 110. For Lausanne. We agree (Palun 1531)) ur proposal
France and Turkey join US and UK in concerted program urge
Israel and Arabs face refugee problem constructively through re-
patriation and resettlement. Pls outline to Yalcin and Boisanger genl
nature our approaches Israel and Arabs (Depcirtel Apr 29, 5 p. m.
and Unpal 85, Apr 28), informing them Dept concurs your view re de-
sirability parallel approaches by French and Turkish Govts and re-
questing that they so inform their Govts earliest opportunity. In
absence instrs this subject to French and Turk missions Washington,
we believe approach by you speedier and more effective.

   See footnote 2, p. 1038.

$67N.01/5-2049: Telegram
     The Con-sul at Jerucalem (Burdett) to the Secretary of State

SECRET                            JERUSALEM, May 20, 1949-2 p. me
   370. Dayan'called last night to discuss yesterday's special committee
sessions. Barco present. Committee meeting ended in complete dead-
lock and Dayan saw no prospects for agreement or usefulness in fur-
ther negotiations.'Asserted informally felt gloomier re prospects con-
tinued peace in Jerusalem than at any time since his arrival last Au-
gust. Has advised Israeli Government to request UN to return Jewish
sections Mt. Scopus to complete Israeli control under terms of agree-
ment: signed last July providing for- UN protection on Mt.,Scopus
"until hostilities cease".. Then proposes inform Transjordan bluntly
Israel intends to have free access by agreement or otherwise. Feels
Transjordan bound by Article 8 of armistice agreement to grant free
access and if refuses, Israel free take appropriate measures in view
breach armistice.