Boisanger as Commission Chairman explained UN GA had given
Commission its task for general purposes of bringing parties to Pales-
tine conflict together and re-establish Palestine peace. Commission
would be interested to ascertain Transjordan's general views and spe-
cifically its attitude re Jerusalem holy places, refugees and certain
economic matters.
  General: Prime Minister replied Transjordan had always been
careful to preserve peace. Since establishment Transjordan 27 years
ago its objective-had been peace. It had never expressed eccentric or
fanatical views and even now wanted real peace settlement. Boisanger
replied Commission's goal was also peace and wondered whether
Transjordan would support general peace 'conference between Israel
and Arab states. Ethridge raised question whether general or separate
peace conference would be preferable. Prime Minister believed past
experience showed, based on previous cooperative meetings with Jews,
separate peace conference would be more productive as to results.
Yalcin inquired whether Transjordan would be free to conclude with
Commission's assistance separate peace arrangements even if one or
more Arab states would object and if Commission extended its assist-
ance would Transjordan follow through. Prime Minister strongly
responded Transjordan desired pursue practical policy and stated
Transjordan -was ready inspite of any other states policy or influence
it might exert to act freely and separately. Prime Minister did not
think it even necessary to have general peace conference re such ques-
tions as refugees as Transjordan itself was willing, with outside assist-
ance, to settle problem.
  Jerusalem:- Prime Minister stated 'Jews would try to keep those
areas at present under their control. Arabs, on other hand, have in-
habited Jerusalem for 1300 years. If, however, Jews want to stay in
Jerusalem, Arabs Want to take back those Arab areas which Jews took
without fighting prior to May 14. (Prime Minister as well as Colonel
Abdullah Tel, Transjordan military commander Jerusalem, strongly
stress this point, emphasizing Jews took wide areas Arab Jerusalem
before termination British mandate without fighting.) Boisanger ex-
plained Commission has specific instructions from UN GA to prepare
deailed proposals re internationalization Jerusalem, thatCommission
has recently estabished Committee to study question and that it hoped
Transjordan would cooperate. Prime Minister replie~d 'he had been
expecting Commission express this desire re Jerusalem but wondered
how internationalization would be implemented by UN.I According
to charter UN must Send forces. If no forces, permanent members
must consult and send forces but as other nations do not want Jews
in Palestine no forces would be sent. Boisanger replied Commission
was not persuaded international force was necessary because good