broad responsibilities. He said that Mr. Bevin is extremely interested
  in the development of the Middle East and in the refugee problem and
  that, consequently, the Foreign Office would like to go over McGhee's
  working paper with Mr. Bevin. He was glad to note from a remark
  made earlier by McGhee that the US looked with favor upon the
  £1 million UK Pilot Project in Transjordan.
  McCloy said that he did not like the idea of another special survey
  of Palestine. He said there are a number of active expert groups
  connected with the UN, including FAO, WHO, etc., who have funds
  and experts. He thought these agencies might be called upon to
  supply any technical advice required and that to his mind, in view of
  the work which has already been done on various ME projects, "a
  couple of engineers" would be enough.
  Wright said the McGhee's idea was "selection" rather than "survey".
  He suggested that it amounted to a "small PCC working group".
  Sir John Troutbeck said that he felt that there was a vital need
  for statistical information regarding all phases of the refugees.
  McGhee said this was a problem which he felt should be tackled at
  once and suggested that if the Foreign Office could name a suitable
  individual (such as Mr. Mills of the Colonial Office) he felt quite sure
  that the PCC would welcome an opportunity to avail itself of his
  services. He was going to look into the possibility of a similar expert
  being supplied from Washington.
  The meeting ended with 'an expression of appreciation to McGhee
  for his lucid exposition of the problem. Wright said the Foreign
  Office would keep in touch with McGhee through the British Embassy
  in Washington and through Lewis Jones.2
  [Here follows an account of the further telephone conversation
  between Mr. Jones and John Beith of the Eastern Department later
  the same day.]
  'Attached to this memorandum was an undated working paper entitled "Pro-
  posed Plan of Action"; for the version of April 27, see p. 939.

501.BB Palestine/4-949: Telegram
     The Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Jerusalem

 SECRET                       WAShiNGTON, April 13, 1D49-11 a. m.
   195. Unpal 76. [For Ethridge.] Re Palun 103, Mar 31' and 117,
Apr. 9,2- you are authorized discuss with other members PCC possibility
expressing internl responsibility and concern for Holy Places in
  1Identified also as telegram 161 from Beirut, not printed.
  21dentified also as telegram 276 from Jerusalem, not printed, but see footnote
p. 904.