ests. This provision if enacted wld have authorized Pres consider
  extension reimbursable assistance to SA and several other countries
  (Embtel 573, Sep 27).' Childs who is thoroughly familiar with back-
  ground thru conversations here plans discuss with SAG fol return
  Jidda. Accordingly, suggest you await Childs' arrival before inform-
  ing SAG recent development.
    However, in event you are questioned by SAG re omission above
  provision you shld say that 1) Provision omitted only after indication
  enactment Legis not otherwise possible present session Cong. MAP
  Legis now authorizes extension mil aid to a) North Atlantic Treaty
  countries, which heretofore requested assistance, b) Greece, Turkey,
  Iran, Korea, Phil and gen area of China, and c) aid in form procure-
  ment assistance in advance cash purchases by any nation with which
  we are associated in collective defense and regional arrangement (thus
  including Rio Pact countries);
  2) Mil aid to SAG continues to be objective of US policy. USG
  hopes to be able to carry this out by requesting at next session Cong
  supplementary legis providing reimbursable aid to SAG and other
  countries. You may assure SAG that USA is exploring every possible
  means providing mil aid outside MAP legis and pending outcome
  exploration can at least offer SAG informal guidance in contacts for
  commerci'al procurement and generally favorable export license
  3) If SAG shld attempt relate MAP to extension DAB you shld
  emphasize that continued SAG-US cooperation at DAB represents
  real evidence our mutual mil interests and meanwhile will make
  possible further training Saudis,
  'Not printed; it pointed out the difficulties that would ensue with King
  Saud if this provision as communicated to the King in the May 30 aide-mr'moire,
  p. 1600, were not included in the legislation (890F.20/9-2749).

501.BB Palestine (E)/10-249
Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern,
  South Asian, and African Affairs (McGhee) to the Deputy Under
  Secretary of State (Rusk) '

MESTRICTED                         [WASHINGTON,] October 24.1949.
Subject: Assistance to Saudi Arabia in Developing its Water
  As you know, the most pressing single problem in the economy of
Saudi Arabia is the more scientific use of its limited water resources.
  -Drafted by the Assistant Chief, Division of Near Eastern Affairs, Richard
H. Sanger.