    cerning, 13, 1745, i777n; regional
    cooperation with India,, Iran,- and
    Pakistan, proposed, 6; Soviet policy,
    15-16, 474, 545; Syrian government,
    recognition of, 1636; U.S. economic
    and military assistance, 1-2,! 6-8,
    19, 23, 46-47, 1691, 1777-1779; U.S.
    policy, 8, 29, 31, 46
Africa: British policy, 53; Communist
    menace, 62, .224; Conference at
    Tangier of U.S. consular officials in
    North Africa, June 6-10, 1949, 1780-
    1797; U.S. policy, 63
Aglion, Raoul, 458
Agricultural Adjustment Act, 212 ...
Agriculture, U.S.. Department of, 566
Ailianos, Michael, 378,
Air Force, U.S. Department of the, 24,
    216, 496n, 568, 583n, 865, 1583, 1591-
    1592, 1605n, 1687n
Akdur, Faik Zehni, 1676n
Aklilou, Ato, 88
Aksal, Ismail Rustu, 1673, 1676n, 1677-
Ala, Hussein, 4, 8, 471-475, 487, 489-492,
    494, 497, 503, 507, 509, 517-519, 522-
    523, 525-528, 536-537, 540, 558-561,
    567, 570, 572, 574, 578-580, 585, 588-
    589, 1642-1643, 1684
Alami. Musa, 1247n
Albania (see also Albanian swbheadings
    under Greece) : British policy, 414-
    415, 4221; Corfu incident, 343, 345;
    Free Albania Committee, 382, 392,
    394, 415; French policy, 422-423;
    Greek policy, 375, 381-386, 389, 392,
    412, -.415,i 418, 423, -425-428, 438;
    Italian policy, 392; political situa-
    tion, 453; Soviet support, 266, 276,
    349n, 384, 386, 394, 397-398, 426,
    438; U.N. membership, proposed,
    .328, 398, 775; U.S. policy,:365-366,
    384,9392-393, 397-398, 412,%422-423,
    438, 447, 465; Yugoslav policy, 383-
    384, 386, 392, 412, 415, 423, 426-427,
 Algeria. See under French North Africa.
 All, Rashid, 648
 Allen, W., 1742, 1745 *
 Allen, William Denis, 184, 203n, 235n,
     265, 279, 435
 American Eastern Corporation, 136n
 American Export Lines, 217, 224, 1418
 American Friends Service Committee,
     665, 840, 1472, 1500
 American Independent Oil Company,
     94-95, 105, 109, 132n, 839, 1567,
     1569, 1572,
 American Red Cross, 840
 Amoun,: Fugd Bey., 955-956
 Amr,-Abdel Fattah,: 198, 2015
 Anderson, Maj. Gen. S.E., 1627


Andrews, H.T., 1799-1800, 1805-1806
Andrus, Col. Burton C., 752, 802
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, 110-111,
    125-127, 141-142, 149-151, 162-163,
    483,9497, 508, 523,9549
Arab Leagije. See under Palestine ques-
Arab Sheikdoms, 83-85, 88, 93, 108n,
    1117n, 118, 121, 128n, 129, 132, 136-
    137, 909
Arab states (see also Arab subheadings
    under Palestine question), 70, 177,
    208, 214, 656, 1011, 1620, 1668; U.S.
    policy toward, 56-58, 172, 1339-1340,
    1430-1440, 1619, 1651
Arabi Island, 151-152, 154, 155n, 156,
Arabian-American Oil Company, 95-
    107, 111-120, 122-125, 128n, 129n,
    132n, 133n, 135, 145, 151-156, 161,
    806, 839, 1414
Arabian Peninsula, 545
Arai, Nasser Fakhr, 481
Aram, Gholam Abbas, 488n, 501, 527
Archibald, Col. Edwin P., 632
Argentina, 159, 677, 1636, 1724
Army, U.S. Department of the: Anglo-
    Egyptian military staff talks, 221n;
    Greece, U.S. policy, 453, 456n;
    India, U.S. military assistance for,
    25; Iran,, situation in, 496, 522;
    Iran, U.S. military assistance for,
    558, 564-565, 583n; Kashmir dis-
    pute, 1687n; Palestine question, 803,
    -865; Syria, approval of petroleum
    pipeline agreement by, 743
 Arstan, Adil, 1102n, 1119-1120, 1156,
     1165, 1390n, 1421
Asad al-Faqih, Shaikh, 1594
Asia, 11n, 13, 48-49, 62-63, 308, 1750
Asian bloc, proposed,, 12-13
Asian Conference on Indonesia at New
     Delhi, Jan. 1949, 12
 Atassi, Adnan et-, 955, 1287
 Atassi, Hashim al-, 1633n, 1635
 Ataturk, Kemal, 1032
 Athenagoras, Archbishop of Constan-
     tinople, 179, 1679-1680, 1685
 Atomic bombs, 224, 575
 Attlee, Clement R.,, 628, 1014n, 1720,
     1722, 1729, 1742, 1745-1746, 1749
Atyeo,. Sam L., 316-317, 3194_20, 333n,
    335, 396, 401, 413n, 414
 Auriol, Vincent, 1782-;1783
 ,Austin, Warren R.: Chinese representa-
     tion question, 1755; Iranian ques-
     tion, 499; Israeli. membership in-the
     United Nations, 789, 944, 995-996,
     1005; IKashmir dispute, 1726, 1729,
     1760-1766, 1775-1776; Palestine
     question, 622, 685-687, 691, 707-708,
     755-756, 787, 809-810, 817, 820-821i
     930-934, 1001, 1005-1007; 1046,
     1053-1056, 1079,9 1213, 1225n, 1253-
     1254, 1270-1271, 1283-1284, 1290-