1064          FOREIGN RELATIONS, 1 949, VOLUME VI

be activated near future, Dept wld not wish prejudge survey group's
conclusions by formulating independent plan for relief program out-
side context of overall plan for solution refugee problem.

501.BB Palestine/5-2749: Telegram
    The Acting Secretary of State to the Legation in Switzerland

RESTRICTED                     WASHINGTON, May 27, 1949-4 p. m.
  704. Unpal 119. ForUSDel, Lausanne. Herewith Dept's suggestions
for terms of ref proposed Econ Survey Group (or such designation- as
may be decided upon) in form of draft res:
  Desiring to implement paras 10 and 11 of GA res Dec 11 and to
obtain info which will serve as basis for recommendations for further
action by GA, member states, appropriate specialized agenciesý and
int. orgs, and,
  Having Inoted declarations of reps of Israel and Arab States with
respect to repatriation, compensation, and resettlement of refugees:
      1. Hereby establishes, pursuant to authorization granted under
    para 12 of foregoing res, an Econ Survey Group to examine the
    econ situation in countries affected by the recent hostilities, and
    to make recommendations which will enable govts concerned to.
    further such measures and development programs as are required[
    to overcome econ dislocations created by the hostilities; to rein-
    tegrate refugees from' the hostilities into econ life of area on
    self-sustaining basis within minimum period of time; and to pro-
    mote econ conditions conducive to maintenance of peace and
    stability in the area;
      2. Instructs Econ Survey Group to recommend an integrated
    program to achieve the foregoing objectives, including an opera-
    tional plan for carrying out program recommended together with
    estimated costs and methods of financing;
      3. Appoints -fol persons to constitute Group (Unpal 113);
      4. Requsts SYG to furnish such staff and services -as Group
    may require;
       5. Authorizes Group pursuant para 14 of GA res of Dec 11 to
    invite assistance those Govts, specialized agencies and internatl
    orgs which may be able facilitate its work through provision of
    expert personnel and technical info;
      6. Requests Group to submit report to Caomm not later than
      Sept 1, 1949."
  For your info, Dept believes Econ Survey Group might approach its
task along fol lines:
  In collaboration with govts concerned
  (a). Explore measures-which can be taken by govts concerned with-
out outside financial assistance to achieve objectives para I above;~