In making foregoing suggestions, we recall, of course, that Arab
dels to PCC at June 25 meeting Lausanne expressed willingness ex-
amine resettlement question as soon as they knew how many refugees
- did not wish return to homes on basis completely free choice, and stated
that such refugees wld find Arab countries ready to take them. How-
ever we now hope it would be possible to make more practical and
forthright statement along lines suggested, which wld more accurately
reflect Zaim’s demonstrated interest in settlement of refugees in Syria
and wld materially advance progress « of negots towards: permanent
solution of problem.

Since some progress has been made i in private discussion with Arabs
and since certain indications exist that Israel may now be prepared
make concessions re refugees, we are concerned lest forthcoming Arab
League Political Comite meeting result in hardening of Arab attitude,
and thereby produce setback to PCC negots.

On suitable occasion, you shld make ref to Arab League meeting and
state that Dept understands refugee question will be taken up. You
shld then make fol observations :

Dept has received indications that PCC now has “reasonable hopes
achieving early progress towards practicable solution refugee problem.
We are aware that Arab states, who bear burden of refugees, wld wel-
come such solution. Dept believes that all parties now appreciate fact
that solution can- only be achieved through effective cooperation
Israelis, Arab states, UN and its member govts. For this reason Dept
hopes that at forthcoming meetings Arab League, Arab reps will find ©
it possible to adopt position in Beirut which will make it possible for
Arab reps at Lausanne constructively to approach resettlement of
refugees in connection with overall solution for Pal problem.

Sent Damascus, repeated to Beirut and Amman for similar action
vis-a-vis Lebanese and Transjordan govis. 2


? This telegram was - also repeated. for information to Bern for the. American
‘Delegation at Lausanne. Its content was summarized and sent to Baghdad, Jidda,
and Cairo as a circular telegram of July 22, 11 a. m. (501.MA Palestine/7—2249).

Minister Keeley conveyed. the substance of No. 293 to Prime Minister Barazi on
July 25. The latter “said he would immediately send cable instructions to Syrian
representatives at Lausanne: to confirm to PCC formally oft-repeated offer. to
accept for resettlement substantial number of those refugees who not desiring
return to Palestine to live under Israeli administration are compensated for their
losses as foreseen in UNGA resolution December 11 and who elect to settle in
Syria. Barazi implied number would depend upon Syria’s. absorptive capacity in
light of amount of resettlement aid furnished (in past tentative figure has been
250,000 to 300,000).

“As for forthcoming meeting Palestine Political Committee Barazi said it likely
to be held in Egypt (Alexandria) and he is optimistic it will support realistic
and constructive attitude at Lausanne. For his part he will exert his whole
influence to that end.” (telegram 408, July 25, 11 a..m., from Damascus, 501.MA