In accordance with a request by Fuad Bey Hamza, I prepared an
aide-mnmoire of my conversation, the transmittal of which was
delayed until the receipt of a true copy of the Department's telegram
No. 93 as that telegram had been slightly garbled in transmission to
Dhahran. The Department will note that there has been substituted
for the Department's paragraph 9 (see paragraph 8 of the aide-
mrmoire) an' appropriate reference to the sending of a Saudi Arabian
delegation to the United States for the signing of the proposed treaty
as outlined in the Department's telegram No. 1,27. The Department
will also note that my aide-memoire contains a reference to the deci-
sion of the United States Government to conclude" a long term agree-
ment: regarding the Dhahran Airfield which I thought it appropriate
to introduce in the light of paragraph 7 of the Department's telegram
No. 93.5
   Respectfully yours,                             J. RIvEs CHILDS

 The American Ambassador (Childs) to the King of Saudi Arabia
                             (Ibn Saud)

  The American Ambassador stated that he was in receipt of a tele-
  gram from the Department of State in Washington setting forth,
  as requested by His Majesty, the position of the Government of the
  United States in respect to various questions raised in the recent past
  by His Majesty.6
  The Ambassador added that he had been authorized to inform His
  Majesty of the following:
  1. His Majesty's requests have all received the most careful and
  detailed study, both by the Department of State and the National
  Military Establishment.7
  2. The United States Government has been happy to act favorably
  on certain of these requests and the fact that this has not'been possible
  5 Paragraph seven pointed out that the Dhahran Airfield had been the subject
  of separate instructions (possibly, telegrams ,132 and 133, April1,1 to
  890F.7962/3-2649; latter not printed, but see footnote 1, p. 1583), and
has not
  specifically been brought within the scope of this telegram. "It does,
  the paragraph further stated, "provide symbol of close cooperation
which this
  Government desires to maintain and increase."
  6Telegram 93, to Dhahran, not printed; but see footnote 1, p. 1584.
  7These requests are discussed in aimemorandum of1January 14 by the Assistant
  Chief, Division of Near Eastern Affairs, Richard H. Sanger, to the Deputy
  Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs, Raymond A.
  (711.90F/2-2749) ; not printed.
