
ISRAEL Cay 1861
recommendations, provided such aid is desired and effectively utilized
by states directly concerned.’ — |


* This telegram was repeated to Bern for the American Delegation at Lausanne
and to Cairo, Damascus, Baghdad, J idda, Amman, and Tel Aviv. The Depart-
ment, in a circular telegram of September 3, 1 a. m., to diplomatic officers at
each of these posts except Bern, authorized them at their discretion to express
the views set forth in telegram 476. in discussions with governments to which
they were accredited (501.BB Palestine (E) /9-349). . ae :


501.BB Palestine/9-849: Telegram —

“Mr. Stuart W. Rockwell to the Secretary of State

CONFIDENTIAL oo “Lausanne, September 3, 19498 p. m.
Palun 299. PCC September 3 sent letter to Israeli Delegation re-

ferring to Israeli reply to PCC territorial question and stating that in ~
opinion PCC any reference to armistice agreements In connection with.
final settlement territorial question should be considered in light

clauses in agreements safeguarding rights and claims of parties and —
stating that armistice demarcation lines are not to be construed in any:
sense as political or territorial boundaries. a al
~ PCC felt it desirable make this formal representation for record

- and to avoid possible misunderstanding infuturet Co

2Mr, Rockwell, on September 5, 4nformed:-the Secretary of State that Article
16 of the Jerusalem instrument “does not delineate line between [Arab and
Israeli] zones. In letter transmitted SYG September 1, PCC explained that since
demarcation line intimately connected final settlement Palestine problem, PCC


does not deem advisable for present make any proposal re actual demarcation
and believes instrument can be put into effect with present line as provisional
without prejudice to establishment definitive line at later stage. Possibility PCC.
proposing specific ‘demarcation line to GA thus left open.” (Palun 300 from

- Lausanne, 501:BB Palestine/9-549)


501.BB Palestine/9-549: Telegram ay Es eg
Mr. Stuart W. Rockwell to the Secretary of State

nestrictep «= (i‘éaée— Lacsanner, September 5, 19495 p.m.
Palun 303. PCC September 5 sent letter to all delegates informing
them of forthcoming arrival survey group Lausanne, stating the PCC
would shortly send delegates letter ‘containing observations and sug-
gestions re replies to PCC questionnaire, and conveying to delegates |
PCC plans to adjourn Lausanne between 15 and 20 September to re-,
convene New York second half October. Letter explained that in.