Copper:       0.05mg/l

    Volatile Organic Screening: No detection, UW Stevens
    Point Environmental Task Force Lab.

4   Drilled well, 6" casing, depth 186', Lang 1960's?

    Facility ID#037072090              Sample Date: 11-17-86

    Water Quality:                     Iron:         0.05mg/l

    Nitrates:       3.9mg/i            Manganese: <0.05mg/i

    Fluoride:      0.47mg/i            Hardness:       4gpg

    Alkalinity:      42mg/i            pH:           6.62

    Copper:        0.30mg/i

    Volatile Organic Screening: No detection, UW Stevens
    Point Environmental Task Force Lab.

Priority Number 8 - Landfill: Town of Day #6

1- Drilled well, 6" casing, depth 60', 30', 1937

    Facility ID #037080340             Sample Date: 2-23-87

    Water Quality:     Safe            Iron:         0.05mg/l

    Nitrates:      12.7mg/l            Manganese: <0.05mg/l

    Fluoride:      0.17mg/i            Hardness:       8gpg

    Alkalinity:      60mg/l            pH:           6.5

    Copper:        0.13mg/i

    Volatile Organic Screening: No detection, State Lab of

2 - Drilled well, 6" casing, depth 158', Haupt Well 1978

    Facility ID #037080230             Sample Date: 2-23-87

    Water Quality:     Safe            Iron:         0.06mg/i
    Nitrates :      6.0mag/i           Manganese:   <0.05mg/i

    Fluoride:      0.l2mg/l            Hardness :      5gpg

    Alkalinity:      30mg/i            pH:           6.4

    Copper:        0.39mag/i