German influence and German methods of warfare
are factors accounting for much in recent Russian
history.  The author lived through battles in
close contact with all of the horrors of war and
he knows the truth of the many interesting and
rather unusual phases of his experiences.
Harris, Emerson P., and others. Co-opera-
tion; the Hope of the Consumer.          1918.
Macmillan. $2.00                   334-H31
The consumer is, at the present date, apt to
attributo all of his troubles in getting ttie ne-.
cessities of life to war conditions. Mr. Harris
shows very satisfactorily that the present system
of distribution must bear at least a large share
of the blame. He shows that goods are forced
on the consumer through a system of advertising
for which tie has to pay; that adulteration and
short weight are not only possible utit are en-
couraged; that unnecessary costs in distribution
are incurred and that the whole system is vicious
and anti-social in its effects.  Co-operation is
the obvious remedy for all of these evils and a
scheme known as the lkochdale co-operative buy-
ing plan is describell. There are reports of va-
rious co-operative societies and the text of the
Wisconsin co-operative law. Mr. Harris has given
much time to the study of this subject and is
president of the Montclair Co-operative Society.
Knyvett, R. H. "Over There" with the Aus-
tralians.  1918. Scribner. $1.50
This is one of the most interesting of the per-
stoal narratives of the war. Captain Knyvett died
of tuberculosis in a New York hospital when ie
was on his way back to France after being sent
home to Australia as unfit for further service.
The response of Australia to the call to arms, the
training of the new army and Captain Knyvett's
own experiences as private and intelligence of-
ficer when lie ''kept his eye on Fritz" very ef-
fectually make most interesting reading. There
is a breezy, wholesoi atmosphere about the book,
perhaps suggestive of Australian life and view-
Lane, Franklin K. The American Spirit.
1918. Stokes. $.75                  321.8-L26
Mr Lane. secretary of the interior, gives us
a volume of addresses which are very well worth
the reading.  Nearly all of the topics have a
bearing on the war, and bear such titles as:
The American spirit; The American pioneer; The
rights of neighbors: Why do we fight Germany;
A new and greater America; Makers of the flag.
The tone of the book is sane as well as in-
spirational and is the kind of reading one might
wish to place in the hands of the youth of the
nation, though it is by no means unsuited to the
mature mind.
LeGallienne, Richard.       Pieces   of   Eight.
1918. Doubleday. $1.40                  L3807
One is inevitably reminded of Stevenson and
'Treasure Island' by this refreshing romance of
Mr. LeGallienne's, but the book is very inter-
esting nevertheless. It is a tale of treasure hunt-
ing in the Bahama islands and there is adventure
enough to satisfy any boy or man or girl or
women who loves the good, old-fashioned, whole-
some story which makes one forget for a time
the things of everyday life. The author's ability
to make of such a tale as theis, which is entirely
old as to theme and incidents, a thoroughly meri-
torious work, is tie very largely to the literary
charm which pervades all that Mr. LeGallienne
Middleton, Edgar. Glorious Exploits of the
Air. 1918. Appleton. $1.35 940.91-M62

"Along with a considerable amount of infor-
mation about sit- training of fliers. the wisdom
that has to be evolved in them and the develop-
ient of aeronautical knowledge and skill, the
book fairly brims with stories told in a lively
style about the British fliers by land and sea.
'There are chapters describing bombing raids,
Zeppelin fighting, flights across firing lines, and
tither incidents of aerial warfare that are full of
thrills. A chapter on the German air service comt-
pares British and German points of -view, methods
id achievements."
N. Y. Timcs.
Miller, Warren H.       Camping     Out.   1918.
Doran. $1.50                        796-M65c
If you are going camping this summer you will
do well to read this book before you go. You
will find every possible phase of camping life
provided  for.  Whether you   go   "Automobile
camping'', take a canoe voyage or simply go on
a ' hike" for a few days, you will find it profit-
able to go well and sensibly equipped and in-
formed as to your duties as a good camper.
Pinkerton, Robert D. "Ladies from Hell".
1918.  Century. $1.50              940.91-P65
The title of this book is lurid, most certainly.
It is the term applied by the German soldiers to
the first soldiers in kilts with whom the Germans
came in contact. Mr. Pinkerton was a member
of the London Scottish regiment and his book is
written for the American public with the very
evident intention of waking us up. Thte author
makes an honest, clear-headed appeal with much
to create in this country a better understanding
of what thi war means and what it will mean
before we are through with it.
Professor Latimer's Progress; a Novel of
Contemporaneous Adventure. 1918. Holt.
$1.40                               P12451
The professor's reaction to the war was so
disastrous to his health that his doctor ordered
him off on a month's vacation which took the
form of a ramtble through New England hills. He
met with divers characters by the way, alt of
them, from strong' minded sister Harriet to the
"movie" queen, the efficiency expert. the factory
inspector, the medical specialist, "tinkers of
civilization '.  Finally  the  professor  returns  to
his wife, sane as to mind. whole as to body. The
book has heen compared to ''Mr. Britling Sees
it Through", in that it reflects the American
temperament in its attitude toward the war and
its problems, as ''Mr. Britling"  reflected the
British temperament in its attitude toward like
conditions. The authorship of the book has been
attributed to Simeon Strunsky.
White, William A. The Martial Adventures
of Henry     and   Me.    1918.   Macmillan.
$1.50                                W6457
Mr. William  Allen White and Mr. Henry J.
Allen. both Kansas men, went to France as in-
spectors for the Red Cross. Both men are news-
paper editors and Mr. White is known as a novel
writer. "Here we were." says Mr. White, ''two
middle aged men, nearing fifty years going out
to a ruthless war without our wives."      The
American setise of humor is everywhere displayed
in descriptions of experiences on the western
front, with short visits to Italy and England.
Just a shade too much of this spirit would have
grated on the sensibilities as a flippant treatment
of serious matters. Mr. White has not this fault,
however, and simply leaves in the mind a cheery
feeling that whatever difficulties the war may pre-
sent America is going to keep a spirit which re-
fuses to be killed.