Leo-Wolf, Carl G. Infant welfare stations
and the community. N. Y. state health
news, May, 1918.              362.74L55
Royster, Lawrence T. Care of children of
pre-school age. Archives of pediatrics,
Feb. 1918.                    362.74R81
Sobel, Jacob. Conservation of baby life in
the tenement. N. Y. 1918. 19p. 362.75Sol
Article reprinted from the Medical record, April
20, 1918.
-- Instruction and supervision of ex-
pectant mothers in New York city. N. Y.
1918. 37p.                    362.74Sol
Article reprinted from the New York medical
journal, Jan. 12, 19, 1918.
- Pre-school age in its relation to
public health. N. Y. city health dept
monthly bul. Mar. 1918.       362.71Sol
-       ,Relation of the baby health sta-
tions of the Department of health of N. Y.
city to the private physician. N. Y. city
health dept monthly bul. April, 1918.
Forman, S. E. and Shuler, Marjorie. Wom-
an voter's manual. N. Y. 1918. 180p.
City Planning
Omaha, Neb.-City plan commission. Pre-
liminary studies for a city plan for
Omaha. Omaha, 1917. 88p.      458.40ml
Consolidation of City and
County Government
Guthrie, William B. City and county of
Denver. N. Y. 19p.             414.4G98
Paper read at the Detroit meeting of the Na-
tional municipal league in November, 1917.
California Commonwealth club. Legislative
control of courts. Transactions, June,
1918.                           343.5C1
Chicago, Ill.-Municipal court - Domestic
relations branch. Report. 1917. 347.52C43
Court organization for large cities. Amer-
ican judicature society jour. April, 1918.
Boate, G. A. Relation of the short inten-
sive industrial survey to the problem of
soldier re-education. N. Y. 1918.   5p.
(Red Cross institute for crippled and dis-
abled men, pub. series 1, no 10)

Breuil, J. Vocational school for disabled
soldiers at Rotten, France. N. Y. 1918.
1 lp. (Red Cross institute for crippled
and disabled men, pub. series 1, no 11)
Faries, John Culbert. Development in Eng-
land of a state system for the care of the
disabled soldier. N. Y. 1918. 18p. (Red
Cross institute for crippled and disabled
men, pub. series 1, no 7)   362.43F22d
Training in English technical
schools for disabled soldiers. N. Y. 1918.
12p. (Red Cross institute for crippled
and disabled men, pub. series 1, no 8)
Harper, Grace S. Vocational re-education
for war cripples in France. N. Y. 1918.
97p. (Red Cross institute for crippled and
disabled men, pub, series 2, no 1)
Hirschfeld, Gustave.   Tourvielle, trade
school for war cripples. N. Y. 1918. 13p.
(Red Cross institute for crippled and dis-
abled men, pub. series 1, no 6) 362.43H61
McMurtrie, Douglas C. Memorandum on
provision for disabled soldiers in New
Zealand. N. Y. 1918. 7p. (Red Cross
institute for crippled and disabled men,
pub. series 1, no 3)       362.43M22m
- Reconstructing the crippled sol-
dier. N. Y. 1918. 40p.      362.43M22r
- Rehabilitation of the war cripple.
N. Y. 1918. 24p.            362.43M22c
Munroe, James P. War's crippled: how
they may be made assets both to them-
selves and to society. Survey, May 18,
1918.                        362.43M92
Rubinow, I. MAl. Statistical consideration of
the number of men crippled in war and
disabled in industry. N. Y. 1918. 17p.
(Red Cross institute for crippled and dis-
abled men, pub. series 1, no 4) 362.43R82
Russell, William L. Returned disabled sol-
diers of Canada. Mental hygiene, April,
1918.                        362.43R91
Stein, Gertrude R. Placement technique in
the employment work of the Red Cross
institute for crippled and disabled men.
N. Y. 1918. Sp. (Red Cross institute for
crippled and disabled men, pub. series 1,
no 9)                         362.43St3
Todd, John L. French system for return
to civilian life of crippled and discharged
soldiers. N. Y. 1918. 75p. (Red Cross
institute for crippled and disabled men,
series 1, no 5)              362.43T56
