tIIl~ing llltrlgard, Alexandrlia, lat.
This building complete 40 feet wide and 93 feet log, well lighted and painled, equipped with eletri(
lights and fais, bluilt-iln bookeases and charging desk, i large fireplace, living smais for the library workers
nId a scllenI poreli IT feet wide n1111 93 feet long was erected ready for use in two weeks.

tlllill at (amp Rteaurugardi, .Alexandlria, Lai.
Thei A. L. A, Caminp tillrary h1ills la rewellI to the sldirs as t hey are boaridinig thle tra in on their way to
F'raiiee by plhaeing a book ini the hands of enil. These books are stamipedl "Oversea" and are exchuanged by
the boys to formi a ci rculin g lib ra ry o n their trill  I ver Thelre"'.

7A       moor,