Gerard, J. W.
Face to face with kaiserism.
Grasty, C. H.
Flashes from the front.
Grow, M. C.
Surgeon Grow.
Hallowell, J. M.
The spirit of Lafayette.
Jabotinsky, Vladimir.
Turkey and the war.
Johnson, D. W.
My German correspondence.
Kahn, 0. H.
Right above race.
Keller, A. G.
Through war to peace.
Knyvette, R. H.
"Over there" with the Austr

Lauder, Harry.
A minstrel in France.
Legge, Edward.
King Edward, the kaise
Liveing, E. G. D.
Attack; an infantry subal
of July 1, 1916.
MacFall, Haldane.
Germany at bay.
Mack, Arthur.
Shellproof Mack.
Middleton, Edgar.
Glorious exploits of the
Morrison, M. A.
Sidelights on Germany.
Pearson, George.
The escape of a Princess
Pinkerton, R. D.
"Ladies from hell".
Root, E. S., and Marjorie
Over Periscope pond.
World peril, The .
Anthony, Joseph.
Rekindled fires.
Bell, J. J.
Johnny Pryde.
Berger, Marcel and Maude.
The secret of the Marne
Brown, Alice.
The flying Teuton.
Buchan, John.
Prester John.
Buckrose, J. E.
War-time in our street.
Buffum, G. T.
On two frontiers.
Burroughs, E. R.
Tarzan and the jewels o


-    Cannan, Gilbert.
940.91-G356f The stucco house.
Corkery, Daniel.
940.91-G768    The threshold of quiet.
Dane, Clemence.
940.91-G884    First the blade.
Dell, E. M.
940.91-H173     Greatheart.
Droz, Gustave.
940.91-J11    Papa, mamma and baby.
Ford, Sewell.
940.91-J66m    Shorty McCabe looks 'em over.
French, J. L., coinp.
940.91-K12     Great ghost stories.
Gregory, Jackson.
940.91-K28    The joyous trouble maker.
Guiches, Gustave.
alians.         Soldiers both.
940.91-KC74 Hall, A. B.
The little red house in the bol


Hurst, Fannie.
r and the war.       Gaslight sonatas.                 H20152
940.91-L49   Lagerldf, Selma.
The holy city, Jerusalem  IL.      L3868
tern's impression
940.91-L77   LtkAdes
M4.11-7    _%en in war.                      L,12301
940 9~  36 Le Gallienne, Richard.
940.91-136      Pieces of eight.                   L3807
940.91-M146   Lutz, G. L. H.
909M16      The enchanted barn.                L1537
air. 940.91-M62   Lynde, Francis.
Branded.                           L3668
940.91-M878McCutcheon, G. B.
94.1'\88    Shot with crimson.               M11576
Marshall, Archibald.
Pat. 940.91-P356    The Graftons.                    M15912
940.91-P65Miller, A. D.
940.9-P65  The happiest time of their lives. M12957
940.91-R782 Mulford, C. E.
909-72      The man from Bar-20.             M15557
940.91-W918   Orczy, Baroness.
Lord Tony's wife.                 03071
Poole, Ernest.
His second wife.                  P11653
Professor Latimer's progress. P1245 1
A7801    Pryce, Richard.
The statue in the wood.            P2682
B11470   Raine, W. M.
The sheriff's son.                 R6662
.Reeve, A. B.
B242    The Panama plot.                  R12403
B3496   Rinehart, M. R.
The amazing interlude.             R9214
B3849   Stacpoole, H. D.
The man who lost hims elf.        S22713
B19713   Tales of wartime France.             T8101
White, W. A.
B15852     The martial adventures of Henry and me.
Worth, Patience.
f Opar. B23256       Hope Trueblood.                 W15202

